goods and therefore does not add value to business. Auditing exists only because it has been legally mandated. Auditing exists because it is needed by the company. It is beneficial to users who need assurance if their financial statements reflect economic conditions that occurred in a period. Without reliable information, companies might make less effective decisions which are risky for the value of business. It may neither create goods nor add utility to goods but it adds value to business because
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LIVING BY NUMBERS Question 1 Determine the economic earnings of MarineCorp Sdn. Bhd., Green Port Sdn. Bhd and Sungai Emas Port Sdn. Bhd. | Economic Earnings | MarineCorp Sdn Bhd | RM 14,274,611 | Green Port Sdn Bhd | RM (14,588,232) | Sungai Emas Port Sdn Bhd | RM 5,030,563 | Green Port will have negative economic earnings and the other two will have positive economic earnings. Positive Earnings = provides higher return than the cost of capital Negative Earnings = the value of the
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Overview: The principle of “progressive realization” When a State party ratifies the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), it agrees to be bound by a series of obligations to ensure that all children are able to fully enjoy the rights recognized in the Convention. Specifically, Article 4 provides that to give effect to the Convention's principles and provisions, States parties must undertake concrete steps, including “all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures.” These
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EDUCATION FACULTY OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS COURSE OUTLINE FOR ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES1 – EC101 Lecturers : A.Chingarande (0776326638), F. Tafirei (0772757491) & M. Mzumara (0712737723) Emails :, & Consulting Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 0900 Hrs – 1100Hrs or by appointment Venue : Office No H8 (Clinic Office) Main Campus Course Aims: Provide a basis of factual knowledge of economics; Encourage the student to develop: a
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THE NEED OF SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AS A HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE ABSTRACT Environmental protection is a recent concept, developed in the international or regional human right protection systems or mechanisms. In those early days, especially when modern human rights protection mechanisms such as UDHR, ICCPR, IESCR and other human rights instruments adopted, the concern given to environmental protection was not
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the fall of 2011. This movement was inspired by international protests, with thousands arriving in New York City answering the call, soon spreading to well over 500 cities. I would like to discuss more of the details of the movement, the moral and economic implications, as well as the different ethics theories to see which theory best applies to the movement. The Arab Springs protest on February 11, 2011 was the most notable inspiration of the Occupy Wall Street movement. According to the website
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decided to organise two working groups which would be based on the themes of Urban Governance and Bottom of the Pyramid Approaches for Urban Sustainability. Through their work, the groups will also contribute to the preparation of Core Business Principles for Sustainable Urbanization that will be presented at the Fifth Session of the World Urban Forum to be held in Rio de Janeiro in May 2010. Given the challenge of urban poverty, with 1 billion slum dwellers projected to rise to more than 1.4 billion
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CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATIONS TIMETABLE MAY-JUNE 2016 2016 MORNING Friday 15 April VISUAL ARTS 2 (General) Monday 18 April FRENCH 3 (General) SPANISH 3 (General) Oral Examinations to begin (see Note 5) Monday 25 April PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT 2 (General) Practical Examination to begin (see Note 7) Monday 02 May AFTERNOON VISUAL ARTS Paper 2 (General) Examination to begin (see Note 4) Question paper handed to candidates for
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Branches of Economics Branches of Economics Economics has two branches: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the personal decisions of consumers and entrepreneurs. Its primary concern is to help consumers and investors make their lives better by increasing their earnings and satisfying their needs despite limited resources. Also included in its study are the consumers' decisions on what products to buy and how the cost of commodities is determined
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POL 531 POL 532 VI Semester Course Code POL 631 POL 632 Title Core Concepts of Political Science. Title Major Political Ideologies Title Indian Government and Politics- I Title Indian Government and Politics- II Title International Relations- I Principles of Public Administration Title International Relations- II Personnel and Financial Administration Hrs/ wk 5 Hrs/ wk 5 Hrs/ wk 5 Hrs/ wk 5 Hrs/ wk 4 4 Marks 100 Marks 100 Marks 100 Marks 100 Marks 100 100 Credits 4 Credits 4 Credits 4 Credits 4 Credits
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