is a strong relationship between the health of the economy and financial market development and economic growth, even a slight dip in the financial markets can radically effect how the economy, businesses, and individuals respond. (Ask Dr Econ, 2005) Financial markets “facilitate the raising of capital in the capital markets, the transfer of risk in the derivatives market, price discovery, global transactions with integration of financial markets, the transfer of liquidity in the money markets, and
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important difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics. This branch of economics is one of the two most general fields, particularly looking at the structure, behaviour, decision-making and performance of national, regional and global economies. Through the study of aggregated indicators, macroeconomists understand the functioning of whole economies. By using GOP, unemployment rates and price indices an explanation can be made in regards to the relationships between national income, current
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lazy, having a drive through is a big help in boosting business. Power of Buyers The next force used to evaluate the fast food breakfast industry is the bargaining power of buyers. In today’s economy, people are not willing to spend a lot of money. Because of this frugal spending, people tend to take more time and look for the best deal before making a purchase. McDonald’s has noticed this trend and has since created a breakfast dollar
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model on monthly data of March 1999 to July 2006, they concluded that these two macroeconomic variables had no significant relationship with the returns of emerging markets. Hassan and Nasir (2008) also investigated the relationship between equity prices and macroeconomic forces in long run by using monthly data of June 1998 to June 2008.To analyze the causal relationship among macroeconomic forces and stock prices ARDL approach had been used. Results of ARDL concluded the macroeconomic factors
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Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ECO 561 Week 2 Complete Learning Team Deliverable The team debated over three different cost or expense concepts in business economics. The first topic dealt with fixed and variable costs and how these costs related to supply and demand. Fixed costs are costs that will not vary regardless of the changing outputs and paid out even if the outputs are zero. On the other hand, variable costs are the cost that will vary based on the levels of outputs produced by the business
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monetary terms, for example, when a product helps save the customer money that could have been spent on something else. “The term "customer value" should not be confused with the value of customers to businesses” (Wise Geek). A product or service can provide value in many ways as long as it refers only to the value that the customers receive, not to how valuable customers are. Not only does using value let the customer save money customer it can also save the consumer time by providing a benefit that
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Crony capitalism is a term used to describe an allegedly capitalist economy in which success of a business depends on close relationship between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in special tax breaks, distribution of legal permits and so forth. • There is no proper risk assessment for loans In this case of proper risk assessment for loans, it all comes down to banks giving loan to people they are closed with. It was known during the time that most people
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outcomes (financial concerns = revenue/profit) * (Design (product/process matrix), Capacity, Inventory (SCM), Quality) * Goal: Long term plans and goals – motivation * Decision * Constraints and other considerations * Time, money, scope – tradeoffs External Economy: Implications Industry Size-up * Trends in the industry (growth?) Stage of growth (prospect if start-up but low revenues, if mature there is competition and revenues grow slower, if stable cost control
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OF CALL MONEY MARKET Done by, ABHISHEK JESSIE MOSES 15MBA0069 VIT Business School fostering innovation CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION CALL MONEY MARKET Call money market is a short-term money market, which allows for large financial institutions, such as banks, mutual funds and corporations to borrow and lend money at interbank rates. The loans in the call money market
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from 1981-1989 (Ronald Reagan Republican Government) & from 1993-2001 (bill Clinton Democratic Government). Although considerable variations exist in the results, overall the generalized impulse response functions suggest that there is comparison between the policies of both type of government .And thus to check who had better monetary and fiscal policies. Acknowledgement: We would like to thank Prof. Ganesh Manjhi for his guidance and support throughout the course of term paper. 1. INTRODUCTION
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