Data Mining for Fraud Detection: Toward an Improvement on Internal Control Systems? Mieke Jans, Nadine Lybaert, Koen Vanhoof Abstract Fraud is a million dollar business and it’s increasing every year. The numbers are shocking, all the more because over one third of all frauds are detected by ’chance’ means. The second best detection method is internal control. As a result, it would be advisable to search for improvement of internal control systems. Taking into consideration the promising success
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invariably gets swept in the wave of reporting mayhem. Unequivocally, management is the first line of defense against fraud. A strong system of internal control serves to minimize fraud. However, no system of internal control, no matter how strong, will guard against fraud in the event of collusion. Indeed, when management engages in misconception and deceit, it makes the financial information repor ted that
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stock was trading at more than $80 a share, and Enron’s CEO, Jeffery Skilling was claiming that is should be valued at more than $100 a share. In October 2001, the Arthur Andersen auditing firm reversed their previous decisions and restated Enron’s financial situations. Arthur Andersen was once one of the “Big Five” accounting firms and was driven out of business by its role in the Enron case (Arnold, Beauchamp, Bowie, 2013). In the beginning of 2002, the United States Justice Department begun a criminal
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Specified acts of agent (c) Some of acts agent (d) None of them (10) Which of the following statements are True: a) It is the agent’s responsibility to ensure that all material information is made available b) If the proposal paper is incomplete, the agent will be held accountable (a) A Statement (b) B Statement (c) Both Statement (d) Neither of Statement (11) In the case of a policy under the provision of M.W.P. ACT who can make the death claim? (a) Beneficiary
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Journal - Week 1, Due 09.28.2014 Beginner’s Guide to Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses Beginner’s Guide to Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses. (2011, Mar. 04). Retrieved on September 26. 2014 from ICANN site: The Beginner’s Guide to IP Addresses is a publication by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the private sector, non-profit corporation which assumes responsibility for IP address
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U.S. Congress passed a law, the USA PATRIOT Act that makes it easier for government law enforcement and intelligence agencies to gather and share information related to terror-related investigations and it has changed how the banking industry or financial institutions handle the privacy of their customers’ personal information. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the effects of the USA PATRIOT Act on banking industry’s handling customers’ private personal information. Some Background
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WorldCom tend to manipulate the accounting entries by accrual releases and capitalization of line cost in order to achieve the targeted performance. The scheme lowered line costs (the company’s largest single expense) by capitalizing them as “prepaid capacity” and reversing allowances without sufficient justification. The corporate motive for this fraud was to meet Wall Street’s expectations for growth and also to hide real, deteriorating operative results, which were caused by the bursting dot-com and
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Governance and management Quality can be enhanced by better management practices, transparency in the use of resources, and accountability mechanisms to communities and other stakeholders. Mechanisms for promoting ownership and accountability through participatory planning deserve increased attention. Issues of governance go beyond ensuring better management of the public sector. They include a concern for increasing ownership by different stakeholders at different levels. One strand of the
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Accountants: Fraud Busters. By: For: Class: Bus 508: Contemporary Business Date: 13 November 2012 Abstract: A case study for the Strayer University, Woodbridge, VA, Business 508 class, this paper provides for a brief review of 1) The skills that a forensic accountant requires; 2) The role of the forensic accountant in the courtroom; 3) The legal responsibilities of the forensic accountant; and lastly, 4) The role of the forensic accountant in a couple of major accounting fraud scandals
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incentive for a class of persons, commonly referred to as whistleblowers, with knowledge of misconduct on the part of private or public organization to report that misconduct which is in violation of the law or against the public interest. The government encourages whistleblowing through the use of bounties and anti-retaliation laws that make up a scheme for whistleblower protection. Whistleblowers face many obstacles that discourage their reporting of such misconduct, including being fired from their
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