Salem Witch Trials

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    Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

    Beginning in February of 1692, over 200 townsfolk were accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. Of the over 200 accused witches, nineteen were hanged, one was crushed to death under the weight of stones whilst many more died in jail. The trials while terrifying helped todays judicial system by banning the use of spectral evidence against people. Spectral evidence is defined as the accused appearance in spirit or spectral shape to the witness in a dream while the physical body of the accused

    Words: 500 - Pages: 2

  • Premium Essay

    Character Analysis: The Salem Witch Trials

    The forces at work in the Salem Witch Trials are the forces of greed, vengeance, fear and lies. The reason that these things are at work in Salem is because every person in the play that is not accused is after something. Mr. Putnam and Mr. Parris are filled with greed. Abigail is filled with vengeance. The whole town is filled with fear. Abigail and the girls are filled with lies. First, Mr. Putnam is one of the people who accuses others most because he wants more land and if he accuses people

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  • Premium Essay

    Salem Witch Trials Informative Speech

    Topic: Salem Witch Trials Organization: Topically, Specific Purpose: For the audience to understand what happened before, during and after the Salem Witch Trials I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention getter: The biggest witch hunt in American history took place 322 years ago in Salem, Massachusetts where twenty innocent people were convicted and executed for practicing the Devil’s magic. B. Relevance: My immediate audience should care about my topic because it is informative about the biggest witch hunt in

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  • Premium Essay

    Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

    The Salem witch trials were once known as “the devil’s magic” because of the witchcraft being used. Mary easty a victim of prosecution during the witch trials said “I never complied, but prayed against [Satan] all my days… I will say it, if it was my last time, I’m clear of all this sin”. These accusations led to consequences therefore, result as vicious prosecutions. During that time, the Salem witch trials were very prejudiced toward anyone. The circumstances that induced to the Salem witch

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  • Premium Essay

    Comparing The Salem Witch Trials And The Holocaust

    It seems as if the Salem Witch Trials and the Holocaust would have little in common.They occurred at totally different periods in history. The Salem Witch trial and the Holocaust have things in common, many people were killed in both of these events. The Salem Witch Trials took place in 1692 where over 200 people were accused of witchcraft ( It all started with a group of girls dancing in the woods and then rumors started around town that they were conjuring spirits (

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  • Premium Essay

    Salem Witch Trials Vs Holocaust

    The Salem Witch Trials and The Holocaust were two distinct events. They happened in different times but still have many similarities. Both of these events were a horrific event in our history, had a terrible ruler, and had things wrong with society and the townspeople. Both the Salem Witch Trials and The Holocaust were catastrophic events that happened in our history. Many things happened in these two “extreme, tragic events.” (Alex, paragraph 1) The Salem Witch Trials are “great examples

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  • Premium Essay

    The Sa-Leam: The Salem Witch Trials

    trust and faith into possibly two of the evilest children on the planet. Sa-lem’s history is not pretty and the trials are the main reason for it. It is well known that it was not witches that caused the trials, but anything is possible. Those who were accused did not have a happy ending. Luckily the trials had an end. The Salem Witch Trials began in the 1692. Many of the girls from the Salem village began to act strange, the symp-toms were peculiar. The girls would throw fits so bad that all the town

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  • Premium Essay

    Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

    Around February 1692 in colonial Massachusetts the Salem witch trials took place. There was a large number of trials held by religious extremists that believed there were witches around their town. Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams were the first to start showing signs of bewitchment they would throw random fits and start screaming uncontrollably. Samuel Parris started to worry and took his daughter and niece to the local doctor and there William Griggs diagnosed them to be bewitchment. The two

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  • Premium Essay

    DBQ Essay: The Salem Witch Trial

    Salem Witch Trail essay You are a witch.Would you do anything for jealousy attention or revenge? The Salem Witch trial was a time where many people of the village were being accused of witchcraft it was a very hectic period of time. The cause of the effect of salem witch trials of 1692 was revenge, attention, and jealousy. We all know about revenge and perhaps we all have done it in some point in our life. Salem witch crafts hanging were common and it is related to revenge because once a person

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  • Premium Essay

    Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

    Through the respect of minister Cotton Mather had warned of the dubious value of speculations, “It would be better than ten suspected witches mayescape that one innocent person be condemned.”The Salem witch trials began during the spring of 1692, when a group of young girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, claimed to be possessed by the devil. It was found that there was fungus ergot (found in rye, wheat and other cereals) which toxicologist say can cause symptoms such as delusions, vomiting and

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