Communications of the Association for Information Systems (Volume 15, 2004)713-729 713 INTRODUCING e-GOV: HISTORY, DEFINITIONS, AND ISSUES Åke Grönlund Örebro University, Thomas A. Horan Claremont Graduate University, ABSTRACT The e-Gov field (also called Electronic Government, Digital Government, Electronic Governance, and similar names) emerged in the late 1990´s. Since then it spurred several scientific conferences and journals. Because the field grew considerably in
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Chapter 1 ETHICS & BUSINESS ETHICS AN INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS Ethics is not a recent discovery. Over the centuries philosophers in their struggle with human behavior have developed different approaches to ethics, each leading to different conclusion. The word “Ethics” which is coined from the Latin word ‘Ethics’ and Greek word ‘ethikos’ pertains to character. Ethics is thus said to be the science of conduct. As a matter of fact it deals with certain standard of human conduct and morals. The
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Australian Journal of Business and Management Research Vol.1 No.9 [01-13] | December-2011 AN EVALUATION OF STAFF MOTIVATION, DISSATISFACTION AND JOB PERFORMANCE IN AN ACADEMIC SETTING Mohammed Abubakar Mawoli Department of Business Administration Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai. Niger State & Abdullahi Yusuf Babandako Department of Business Administration Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai. Niger State ABSTRACT This study seeks to ascertain academic
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THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON INTERACTIONS: FIVE LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Anne-Katrin Neyer Anne-Wil Harzing Version May 2008 Accepted for European Management Journal Copyright © 2007-2008 Anne-Katrin Neyer and Anne-Wil Harzing. All rights reserved. Prof. Anne-Wil Harzing Email: University of Melbourne Web: Department of Management & Marketing Faculty of Economics & Commerce Parkville Campus Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia
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hr interview 1. ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 1. How can you motivate people/ employees? These days you have a diversified work force. What motivates one individual may not motivate the other. To motivate your employees you have to understand them. You can motivate them through employee recognition programs, employee involvement programs, skill based pay programs, give monetary and non- monetary rewards, provide good work environment, flexibility. 2. Which techniques you use to motivate
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Practice for Developmental Leaders, Elites and Coalitions DEVELOPMENTAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Research Paper 11 An analysis of Leadership Development Programmes working in the context of development Heather Lyne de Ver & Fraser Kennedy February 2011 DLP Policy and Practice for Developmental Leaders, Elites and Coalitions DEVELOPMENTAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM The Developmental Leadership Program (DLP) is an international policy initiative informed by targeted
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The Nobel Prize in Literature 1913 Rabindranath Tagore Tagore and His India by Amartya Sen* Voice of Bengal Rabindranath Tagore, who died in 1941 at the age of eighty, is a towering figure in the millennium-old literature of Bengal. Anyone who becomes familiar with this large and flourishing tradition will be impressed by the power of Tagore's presence in Bangladesh and in India. His poetry as well as his novels, short stories, and essays are very widely read, and the songs he composed reverberate
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Silliman University College of Business Administration A Comparative Study between Fines and Community Service In the Perspective of Silliman University College Students Enrolled in S.Y. 2015-2016 MEMBERS: Belarmino, Katherine Dela Cerna, Ramon Fabileña, Ida Jayari, Juan Carlo Pinili, Alessandra Sabrina Recto, Monique Schelling, Anke Tomarong, Coleen TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Scope Introduction …………………………………………………………………….......... 3 Theoretical Background …………………………………………………………
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Leadership Development Seminars and ECQ-based Readings The success or failure of any endeavor depends on leadership. Now, more than ever before, we need leaders in our organizations and in our world. Great leaders create and communicate a vision and move people into action to achieve it. They ignite our passion and inspire us to do our best. Government leaders in the 21st century are experiencing change at a more rapid pace than previous generations. Rapid advances in technology have expanded
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SAGE India website gets a makeover! Global Products Enhanced Succinct Intuitive THE Improved Interactive Smart Layout User-friendly Easy Eye-catching LEADING WORld’s LEADING Independent Professional Stay tuned in to upcoming Events and Conferences Search Navigation Feature-rich Get to know our Authors and Editors Why Publish with SAGE ? World’s LEADING Publisher and home and editors Societies authors Professional Academic LEADING Publisher Natural World’s Societies THE and LEADING
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