Significant Organisational Change That Has Occurred Within The Last 5 Years

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    Petronas Dagangan Annual Report

    Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, 28 July 2011 at 10.00 a.m. inside • Share price growth of 82.3% over 12 months • Total annualised shareholders’ return of 26.5% over 10 years By delivering strong performance every quarter, PDB’s share price has risen steadily as shareholders’ confidence continued to increase, supported by regular communication and active investor relations

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    Corporate Regulation 2.1 Introduction CSR is increasingly an essential issue for companies.1 It is a complex and multidimensional organisational phenomenon that is understood as the scope for which, and the ways in which, an organisation is consciously responsible for its actions and non-actions and their impact on its stakeholders. It represents not just a change to the commercial setting in which individual companies operates, but also a pragmatic response of a company to its consumers and

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    Performance Appraisal

    BY LCdr (ASW) TR DANIEL PGD in Defence Management Naval and Maritime Academy (Accredited to General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University) DECLARATION I declare that this dissertation contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university or equivalent institution, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously submitted or written by any other person, except where due reference

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    A COMMONWEALTH OF THE PEOPLE Time for Urgent Reform The Report of the Eminent Persons Group to Commonwealth Heads of Government Perth, October 2011 Published by the Commonwealth Secretariat Designed by Rob Norridge/ Printed by Hobbs the Printers, Totton, Hampshire Commonwealth Secretariat Marlborough House Pall Mall London SW1Y 5HX United Kingdom Acronyms ACP ACTA ARV ASEAN AU CBA CBC CFTC CGF CHOGM CHRI CiO CMAG CMG

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    A COMMONWEALTH OF THE PEOPLE Time for Urgent Reform The Report of the Eminent Persons Group to Commonwealth Heads of Government Perth, October 2011 Published by the Commonwealth Secretariat Designed by Rob Norridge/ Printed by Hobbs the Printers, Totton, Hampshire Commonwealth Secretariat Marlborough House Pall Mall London SW1Y 5HX United Kingdom Acronyms ACP ACTA ARV ASEAN AU CBA CBC CFTC CGF CHOGM CHRI CiO CMAG CMG

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    Olam Report

    Olam’s 25 years of growth. Our name means ‘transcending boundaries’ and this has inspired our journey since our inception in 1989 in Nigeria. DC NCL U315188 GP1B 02.10 .2014 175# MY C K 4 U 14-023 02/10/2014 18:12 Transcending Boundaries – the First 25 Years Introduction Olam means ‘Transcending Boundaries’ which fittingly describes our journey over the first 25 years, from a start-up to a global leader, from a company to the institution we are today. This has been

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    European Commission, DG Internal Market and Services Unit E2 STUDY ON THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE DIRECTIVE FINAL REPORT | 7 SEPTEMBER 2007 Study on The Economic Impact of the Electronic Commerce Directive COLOPHON Authors Dr. Claus Kastberg Nielsen, Mr. Christian Jervelund, Ms. Karin Gros Pedersen, Ms. Benita Rytz, Mr. Eske Stig Hansen, Mr. Jacob Lind Ramskov Client Date: DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission 7 September 2007 2 Study

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    Building and Sharing Vital Infrastructure Building and Sharing Vital Infrastructure Bharti Crescent, 1 Nelson Mandela Road Vasant Kunj, Phase II, New Delhi - 110 070 Annual Report 2012-13 Table of Contents Corporate Information 1 Board of Directors 2 Performance at a Glance 4 Joint Message from the Chairman and Managing Director 6 CEO’s Message 8 Corporate Social Responsibility 10 Directors’ Report 15 Management Discussion

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    Business and Management

    consecutive year since Listing (in June 2006), Retail Food Group continued to deliver enhanced performance and record outcomes for stakeholders. NPAT and EPS 6 year cumulative annual growth rates (cagr) of 35.8% and 24.2% respectively, reinforces Retail Food Group as an enterprise with franchise systems, business model and revenue streams capable of significant growth. NPAT Core NPAT EPS (Basic) 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 DPS 10 5 0 5 FY07 FY08

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