Social Performance Of Organizations

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    Team Diversity

    of modern business has forced organizations to be more creative and innovative than ever before (Shin, 197). This shift is accompanied by an increased reliance on teams and workgroups due to expansion such as globalization, which has forced workers to be increasingly specialized yet work effectively in cross functional teams (Mannix, 32; Kearney, 594). A team or workgroup is defined as a group of employees that form the smallest functional unit in the organization, report to the same supervisor

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    Classical Theory

    theory  of  organization  and  management  in  the  light  of  contemporary business environmental changes facing managers in Nigeria    (ii.)  How  did  the  neoclassical  and  contingency  theories  improve  on  the  imperations  of  the  classical approach?                (i.)  Critically  evaluate  the  classical  theory  of  organization  and  management  in  the  light  of  contemporary   business environmental changes facing managers in Nigeria    Classical  organization  theories 

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    History of Business

    techniques to solve problems) 4. Modern Approach to Management (systems, contingency plans) 1. Classical Management Approach • Classic management approaches include scientific management, administrative principles and bureaucratic organizations. • The basic assumption of classical management approaches is that people are rational. This theory assumes that people will rationally consider the opportunities available to them and do whatever is necessary to maximize their economic gain

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    Value Centric Leaders

    followers’ behavior and performance. We propose that by developing intrapersonal and interpersonal continuity in their followers’ values (value salience and person-supervisor value congruence respectively), authentic leaders could enhance followers’ task performance and organizational citizenship behavior, and reduce counterproductive work behavior. The model also contributes to research on values by examining the psychological and contextual factors, i.e. person-organization value congruence and self-concept

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    Social Learning Theory

    Social Learning Theory Bertha Zhagui BUS375: Employee Training Instructor:  Marissa Chavez July 8, 2013 The importance of training and cost of training are obvious. The question forcing the executives in organization is that how organization can make these training programs more effective. It means that individual makes the organizational performance better by utilizing their knowledge and skills consequently organization offers training for development

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    Personality in the Workplace

    Personality can be thought of as the sum total of ways in which an individual interacts and reacts to other individuals (Stephen & Robbins, 2013). Research has shown that measuring personality is a useful tool in making hiring decisions and helping organizations forecast who is best for each unique position. The Big Five Model Personality Model does a great job of predicting how individuals will behave in a wide range of real-life situations, including in an individual’s work life (Stephen & Robbins

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    behavior within an organization, and then applies that knowledge to make organizations work more effectively. Specifically, OB focuses on how to improve productivity, reduce absenteeism and turnover, and increase employee citizenship and job satisfaction. OB studies three determinants of behavior in organizations: individuals, groups, and structure. OB applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups, and the effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work

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    THE 20TH CENTURY COMMUNICATION 4170: APPLIED ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION DR. KAREN L. ASHCRAFT I. CLASSICAL PERSPECTIVES (1900-1930) • • • • Some general assumptions: A “science” of organization will lead to greater efficiency and production. Organization owners should strive to control all organization resources. Individuals who follow orders and work hard can improve themselves. Workers respond to rational-economic motivation. One “best way” to complete any task Select personnel scientifically

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    Orgainizational Terms and Behaviors

    groups interact with each other in the environment of the organization. There is a study of organizational behavior call (OB) for short, which is a study and application of the knowledge gained about how people as individuals and groups interact in organization. This is done with an understanding on how to interpret people-organization relationships in the terms of the whole person, whole groups, as well as the organization as a whole and its social system. Organizational behavior is a mixture of human

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    Submission Paper

    conceptual model. This paper proposes that, through organizational learning a firm can develop hard to imitate knowledge resources and capabilities (human capital as well as organizational capital) that create value which in turn lead to superior performance. INTRODUCTION In the 21 century business landscape, firms must compete in a complex and challenging context that is being transformed by many factors from globalization, frequent and uncertain changes to the growing use of information technologies

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