Sole Proprietorship

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    Legal, Social and Economics

    There are three types of businesses: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, and Corporation. Bases on the scenario represented in this paper, a sole proprietorship is the smartest decision when starting this business. The inventor has a product that he thinks will succeed, but does not have the funding to really back his product. The economy also does not help his situation and the only way to get started is to start small and when the product hits and begins to sell, and then expand the business.

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    Team Chart

    Ownership change dissolve the firm? Access to Capital Taxation Sole Proprietorship One Yes Yes, in a sole proprietorship the owner manages all aspects of the business. No, Not always, once the change in ownership, the owner can change the decisions pertaining to the goal of the company and the gp's will have to make that change in direction for the new owner. Many lenders are hesitant to provide financing to owners of sole proprietorships partially due to fear about their ability to recover the funds

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  • Premium Essay

    Legal Issues for Business Organizations

    different kinds of situations you can find yourself in. Sole Proprietorship- The simplest form of business, a sole proprietorship is the most common form of business in our country. Be it because it can be managed by a single person; or perhaps it’s the lack of agreements and formalities needed for the business to run, sole proprietorships are able to operate on a small scale and responsibilities fall on only one person. In a sole proprietorship, only one person is needed for the capital and credit

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  • Premium Essay

    Explain the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Main Forms of Business Organizations

    The four main forms of business organizations namely sole proprietorship, partnership, C corporation, and S corporation have various advantages and disadvantages in terms of tax implications, legal status, financial obligations, and even set up time and compliance issues. A sole proprietorship is an individual based business. The advantages of sole proprietorship are various including the easiness to start and dissolve the company, the ability to have personal and complete control over the company

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  • Premium Essay

    Small Business Idea

    1. Small Business Idea Paper 2. Introduction The Federal Government has allocated suitable funds for potential entrepreneurs and prospected business types who seek to further engage in economic acquisition or create a new element of capital in order to foster the current economy with a potential small business venture. I have chosen to acquire these much needed resources in order to create my small business and join the field of Security in Protective Services. My company is entitled

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  • Premium Essay

    Business Contracts 311

    Activity: Business Organization Business Law I – BUS311 If I were to start my own business, I would choose a Sole Proprietorship. I have always wanted to be a specialty clothing boutique owner, and as a single woman with three children, I need a business structure that not only allows me to have full control over my business, but also help keep start-up expenses to a minimum. A Sole Proprietorship is the ideal business structure for me, as it is owned by one person, with that person keeping all of the

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  • Premium Essay

    Business Structure Advice

    their tax implications, and where the investments come from. You do have several options to choose from, and each of them have both advantages and disadvantages. Some of your options include several types of corporations, partnerships, and sole-proprietorship. The first possible business structure is one of the types of corporations. The General Corporation is the most common type of corporate structure. The characteristics of a general corporations include being a separate legal entity, owned

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  • Premium Essay


    Business Write a 200- to 300-word description of a business scenario, either real or fictional, that depicts each of the following forms of business organization: • Joint-stock company • Limited liability company • Partnership • Sole proprietorship A joint-stock company is a business that is owned by shareholders. Every individual that owns a share is partial owner. Shareholders are also allowed to transfer their portion or share of the company whenever the shareholder chooses to do

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  • Premium Essay


    Part A: SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: This business type is basically a business with one owner. Give a company a name and starting a sole proprietorship is simple. With this type of business all profits are the owners, but the burdens and liabilities are also the owners’ responsibilities. * LIABILITY- The liabilities are extremely high, from personnel injuries, to debt unpaid. If any part of your business suffers financially and not dealt with, the personal assets of the owner can subject to being

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  • Premium Essay


    according to the law. This paper will define sole proprietorship, partnership, corporations, and limited liability companies, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, and discuss which the most important appropriate form of ownership is for an aggressive entrepreneurial firm. Define A sole proprietorship is defined as a form of business organization involving one person, and the person and the business are essentially the same. Sole proprietorships are the most predominant form of business

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