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    Manager's Perspective

    that could store data and perform complex calculations. Spreadsheets allow the user to track simple data, perform complex calculations and create charts and graphs. One of the first applications was Visi-Calc, which became Lotus 1-2-3. These days Excel commands most of the market of spreadsheet applications (Stille, 2010). A monthly budget is an essential tool for any businesses financial success. A budget created on a spreadsheet gives a clear picture of the overall financial condition of the

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    Managerial Decisions

    (significant contribution and positive/helpful contribution to the group. These will only be viewed by the instructor and/or TA and will not be shared with the class. QUESTION 1 (10 Marks) This question should be solved mathematically, without Excel. Submit this assignment in long-hand through the drop-box. The Widget Manufacturing Company must replace a widget machine, and is evaluating the capabilities of two systems. A requirement of management is that the machine chosen must be paid

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    Request for Proposal

    Business RFP Introduction The purpose of this proposal is to help train individuals in Microsoft Office programs, to then allow them to, in turn, train other individuals in their company. The necessity of using Microsoft Office programs in order to make one’s business a success is crucial. Microsoft Office has become the standard product used by businesses as far as computer concepts are concerned. Thus, individuals in the office will need to know how to use and utilize Microsoft Office

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    crime threshhold" and the raw data used to create the metric. If the report you have in front of you did this, you should have no problem recreating the results (you will need to cut/paste the data from the appendix of the report given to you into excel). The second task is to create a NEW metric that a) removes your county from the list of "high crime" counties, and b) alters the "high crime"/"low crime" status of as few other counties as possible. Finally, you should write a persuasive

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    Sas 4

    Chapter 6 Reading Excel Worksheets 0.1 0.2 Introduction.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. A Section Title .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Demonstration: .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Exercises .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 0.3 0.4 Chapter

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    The System of Finance Shortcuts

    Commonly Used Shortcut Keys v13.0 Excel 97-2003 Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Keystroke F4 (in edit cell mode (F2)) Alt T U Alt T U T Alt T U D Alt T U A Alt+= Ctrl+Shift+7 Ctrl+Underscore (Ctrl+Shift+–) Alt E A Shift+F2 or (Alt I M) Alt E A M Ctrl+C / Ctrl+X Ctrl+V or (Enter) Ctrl+C, Alt E S T Ctrl+C, Alt E S F Ctrl+– / Ctrl++ Shift+Backspace F2 Ctrl+R / Ctrl+D Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+1 or (Alt O E) Alt I F or (Shift+F3) F5 or (Ctrl+G) 25 26 27 28 29

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    Case Problem: Stateline Shipping and Transport Company

    Stateline Shipping and Transport Company MAT540: Quantitative Methods Vargha Azad 09/08/13 In Excel, or other suitable program, develop a model for shipping the waste directly from the 6 plants to the 3 waste disposal sites. Solve the model you developed in #1 (above) and clearly describe the results. In Excel, or other suitable program. Develop a transshipment model in which each of the plants and disposal sites can be used as intermediate points

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    Personla Experance with Excel

    Personal experience with Microsoft Excel Randall W. Broyles Trident University International From being designed primarily for personal productivity, Microsoft Excel is inherently a personal productivity database meant for individual and the small business. While enterprise database management applications and platforms are meant for much greater and wide-spread use across organizations. Microsoft Excel has progressed from a relative simple calculation program to a more advanced database application

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    using electronic spreadsheets for much of its data-gathering and reporting. Lois Stambaugh, Hanover's financial analyst, would spend the entire final week of each month collecting Excel spreadsheets from the heads of more than 50 departments worldwide. Then she would consolidate and reenter all the data into another Excel spreadsheet, which would

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    Final Paper

    2) a. home b. formula c. page layout d. insert 6. 6. A formula is a function that you can use to: (Points: 2) a. set the font b. insert a chart c. conduct a mathematical calculation d. apply a style to the worksheet 7. 7. The Excel window will contain all of the elements except: (Points: 2) a. name box b. row heading c. formula bar d. select none button 8. 8. What is the intersection of a row and column called? (Points: 2) a. a place in the spreadsheet b. a cell

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