the accurate service to guests. According to the Oxford English dictionary, Hospitality means the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers with liberality and good will. The Hotel and Restaurant Management Curriculum provides a synthesis of different skills, concepts and principles specializing in hospitality training. It involves the study and application of practical and managerial knowledge and functions such as hotel and restaurant operations, culinary arts, food service, hospitality
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Behar. Res. Ther. Vol. 33. No. I. pp. 25-39. 1995 Pergamon 0 005-7967(94)E001 !-7 C opyright ('~ 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd P rinted in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0005-7967/95 $7.00 + 0.00 HOW DOES COGNITIVE THERAPY PREVENT DEPRESSIVE RELAPSE AND WHY SHOULD ATTENTIONAL CONTROL (MINDFULNESS) TRAINING HELP? J OHN D. TEASDALE, 1 ZINDEL SEGAL2 a n d J. MARK G. WILLIAMS3 ' MRC Applied Psychology Unit, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 2EF, England, 2Clark Institute of Psychiatry
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CHRIST UNIVERSITY Mid SEMESTER EXAMINATION JAN 2014 ( II Sem UG and VIII BHM) : Time: 9:30 to 11:30am Day & Date | 16/01/2014Thursday | 17/01/2014Friday | 18/01/2014Saturday | 20/01/2014Monday | 21/01/2014Tuesday | 22/01/2014Wednesday | II Sem -B.A Programmes HEPEPS | English | Languages/Ad. English | | Political Science | Principles of Macro Economics | Contemporary IndiaSociology | PSEngPSEcoJPEng
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Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings: Best Evidence Synthesis July 2003 Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings: Best Evidence Synthesis October 2003 This report is one of a series of best evidence syntheses commissioned by the Ministry of Education. It is part of a commitment to strengthen the evidence base that
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studying the related facets of the customer loyalty in the context of Bangladesh GSM telecommunication system for Aktel to retain and increase its market share. Hence, in the current study, the researchers intend to examine whether there are relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction, trust, and customer loyalty in Aktel in Bangladesh or not. Statement of the problem Customer satisfaction and trust are positively related with customer loyalty (Bruhn & Grund, 2000; Chaudhuri
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students benefited from peer tutoring in some way, but same-age tutors were as effective as cross-age tutors (Burnish, Fuchs & Fuchs, 2005; Topping, 2008) Some benefits of peer tutoring for students include higher academic achievement, improved relationships with peers, improved personal and social development as well as increased motivation. In turn, the teacher benefits from this model of instruction by an increased opportunity to individualize instruction, increased facilitation of inclusion/mainstreaming
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Cultural Norms Cultural Norms that Facilitate School Improvement Relationships The term culture has been defined in various ways by many authors as discussed earlier in this paper. Here the culture of the school will be viewed as the existence of an interplay between three factors: the attitudes and beliefs of persons both inside the school and in the external environment, the cultural norms of the school, and the relationships between persons in the school. Each of these factors may present barriers
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1. Introduction Specific employee attitude relating to job satisfaction is of major interest in the field of organizational behavior and the practice of human resources management now. The interest steamed from the belief that the satisfied employees are more productive than dissatisfied employees are. This interest induces the management academics to conduct many researches regarding different issues in the field of job satisfaction. Employees spend most of their time at work but they are not
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Fax: (814) 865-3638 E-mail: and Robert D. Reason Assistant Professor and Research Associate Center for the Study of Higher Education Pennsylvania State University Voice: (814) 863-3766 Fax: (814) 865-3638 E-mail: Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, November 19, 2005, Philadelphia, PA. PARSING THE FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR STUDYING COLLEGE IMPACT Introduction For many college-bound students
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reading and studying focusing on print and online materials ISBN 1-256-09222-3 Keys to Effective Learning: Study Skills and Habits for Success, Sixth Edition, by Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits. Published by Allyn & Bacon. Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. c h a p t e r 7 hanh never had trouble keeping up with her high school reading assignments, but after four weeks of college she is already snowed under. With midterms coming in two weeks, she stays
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