COM 362 Teen Pregnancy Outline General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on the background information, communication, and possible resolutions regarding the teen pregnancy conflict in America. Central Idea: The issue of teen pregnancy is a growing problem in our society. This conflict is associated with the lack of education and restriction on teen pregnancies and abortions. I. Introduction A recent article from Parents Magazine stated that, “a new
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dedication to the issue of the teen pregnancy. I absolutely value all the interest and work the school board has put into this problem. I understand that you all believe that the sex education provided by schools has helped to decrease the number of teen pregnancy. I also understand that expanding the programs for pregnant teens and sex education can cause money which it can be used for other programs more academically educational. The programs provided for pregnant teens have encouraged them to continue
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teenage pregnancy is a complex and controversial social issue in the USA of teenage females getting pregnant. In the underdeveloped countries the practice of having teenage pregnancies is not unique but rather is usual since most women are expected to be married and have children before they turn 20. The problem for the society with teenage pregnancies is that teenagers are believed not to be ready emotionally and financially to raise their children even though they are indeed physiologically
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penises have a period after orgasm called a refractory period, during which renewed arousal and orgasm are not possible. Some causes of sexual disorders are genes or experience. 2. Discuss the impact of hormones on sexual motivation and behavior. Sex hormones help with both the activation of sexual behavior, mostly in nonhuman animals, and the physical development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as strong jaws and Adam’s apples with testosterone and fuller breasts in women with estrogen
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With sex education becoming a controversial topic in the United States education programs, you cannot help but wonder; if this is truly helping prevent teen pregnancy. Over the last decade, teen pregnancy has increased in the United States, and has affected society socially, educational and economically. What programs have been put in place to decrease these statistics? How is this effecting the United States overall? In this paper I will discuss how it not only affects society, but also the teen
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In "Educating Teenagers about sex in the United States. The magority of sex education takes place in 6th-8th grade where they learn how to say no to sex, methods of birth control, STDs and how to prevent HIV/AIDs. Sex education helps reduce teen pregnancy and STDs but goes againts what some parents want to be taught. “Each year, U.S. teens experience as many as 850,000 pregnancies, and youth under age 25 experience about 9.1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs)” (McKeon). As these
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Teenage pregnancy is one of the most alarming issues in our world today. It is s a problem that many families must endure with, and the number of families that must contend with it has increased rapidly over the years. Many teenagers engage themselves in sexual intercourse with their partners just to be “in” with their friends without considering the consequences of potential health issues, increased school dropout rates, and the life changing effects of peer pressure. Many teenagers will
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Informal Argumentative Essay In his article, “Let’s Talk About Sex,” Charles M. Blow argues that teenage pregnancy is a nationwide shame as society refuses to admit and face the facts that teenagers are having sex, he further states that turning a blind eye is not a rational approach and sufficient information and encouragement is needed. There were over 400,000 pregnant American teenagers recorded in 2007. Although the sex rate amongst girls in the United States is not the highest, the teenage
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Why Sexual Education Should Be Taught In Public Schools In today’s society where children are exposed to sex through various media outlets, the need for sexual education in public schools is necessary. Instead of abstinence-only education, which teaches refraining from sexual activity until marriage, today’s youth needs to be informed about the various aspects of sexuality including pregnancy, contraception, STDs, and abstinence. According to a survey conducted by National Public Radio, The
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States. Although many agree that some form of sexual education is needed there are many opinions on what should be taught in schools and at what age. One approach is teaching abstinence only programs compared with teaching young adolescence about sex and contraceptives use and the risks associated with being sexually active. We compare the United States that currently has both the highest teenage pregnancies and STDs among young adolescence compared to other industrialized countries. This examination
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