use or for work. To me we rely so heavily on the cell phone that it is becoming dangerous. Think to a time when you were driving down the road and came up on a slower vehicle. They were swerving within their lane, couldn’t keep a constant speed and just seemed like they were completely distracted and not paying attention to the road and the seemingly easy task of driving. You want to get by the person but every time an opportunity to do so came into view it would quickly disappear because the
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Part 1 Audience Adaptation 1. Specific Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to persuade my audience that texting while driving is not safe and it shall be stopped mentally and physically. 2. What kind of change? Although there are laws out there, citizens seem to bypass it all and continue to this day to never change this problem. 3. What did I find out in my audience analysis? How many people did a survey? What were the results? I found out that a lot of people agree to this statement
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Texting and Driving Name Course November 11, 2015 Instructor Texting and Driving Introduction Texting is one of the most in demand means of communicating in the world today. One may see it as a simple way of communication but can also be a dangerous and even fatal form of communication. A proper description of texting while driving is the use of mobile phones to compose, send or read a message, to read an email while operating a vehicle (Sole, 2010). It’s very possible for a driver to take
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regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized? The use cell phones have spread like wild fire in the last ten years. It has become a part of everyday life for many Americans citizens, and a good number of people depend on them to carry out daily operations. Unfortunately, many accidents have taken place in the ten years due to the use of cell phones while on the road. The leads to believe that if people cannot concentrate on the road while talking or texting on cell phones they should
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blamed on distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage. (Mulgrew) Many drivers today have such busy lives and never have time to get the things they need to do completed in one day’s time. This leaves them to get things done while on the road. Checking emails is a top priority for Americans and since many havsmartphonees, they will do it on the road as well as send text messages.There are many laws being established to try to prevent distracted driving from happening,
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road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field.” (2009, VTTI). While texting and driving has always been an issue since people were able to text on phones, it has not gained much media attention until recently. People may have sent an occasional text while driving ten years ago, but because the keyboard was harder to use, people were not doing it as often. Today’s phones allow you to text with one hand, making it easier to text while driving
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time on their mobile devices throughout the day, even while driving. The most prevalent cause for being on your phone is to socialize with someone else via text. In 2012, there were over 2 trillion texts sent in the US. With more and more individuals having a phone that can send texts, that number has only risen in the past several years. This can only mean that the danger of a car crash because of texting has also increased. Texting while driving is becoming more dangerous every single day and the
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THE PERILS OF TEXTING Cell phones have become a staple of modern society. Nearly everyone has them, and people carry and use them at all hours of the day. For the most part, this is a good thing: the benefits of staying connected at any time and at any location are considerable. But if you’re like most Americans, you may regularly talk on the phone or even text while at the wheel of a car. This dangerous behavior has resulted in increasing numbers of accidents and fatalities caused by cell phone
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1 Mr.Bracket English Pre-AP 2nd Period Texting While Driving Everyday in the World, not only America, there are threats to humanities youth. Many people dont realize this and continue with their normal lifes. Teens everyday step into a car and put ife in their hands on have their life in someone elses hands but also in there hands could be a phone. That phone, that message could be a reason a death happens. There should be no texting while driving at anytime, to many people die from these causes
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Drunk driving and devising ways to prevent it have been a long standing issue in our society, and rightfully so. However, there are individuals far worse dangerous to have behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. As reported in the American Journal of Public Health, a journal dedicated to the publication of original work in research, research methods, and program evaluation in the field of public health, Dr. Fernando Wilson and Jim Stimpson, in collaboration with the Fatality Analysis Reporting System
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