country continued as the colonies were established. As the colonies developed in America, religious freedom continued to be restricted. Many colonies limited candidates for public office based on their religion, or tested their religious values. In Massachusetts, Catholics were only allowed to hold public office if they had renounced their loyalty to the pope (Politics And Religion, 17). Some colonies used tax money to build and support churches ( Nine of the colonies had an established
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to hold constitutional offices such as the office of the President; Senators; Members of the House of Representatives; Members of the Supreme Court; and the Chairman and Commissioners of the Constitutional Commissions (Civil Service Commission, COMELEC and the Commission on Audit). NATURALIZED FILIPINO Naturalization takes place either voluntarily by complying both the substantive and procedural requirements of the general naturalization law or by operation of law. This process may be direct
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addressing the various types of police agencies at local, state, and federal levels. It will also address the roles and functions of police operations and their role as it applies to the law. Finally, I will identify the major organizational theories associated with policing. There are just under 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States. This includes 12,656 local police, 3,061 sheriff’s departments, 49 state police agencies, 1,376 special police agencies, and 45 federal agencies
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Legislative Branch creates laws, declares wars, conducts interstate and foreign commerce and has power over taxing and spending policies. Only the House of Representatives takes care of laws: “Every Bill who shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate shall, before it becomes a Law…” (Article 1 Sec. 7). Every law, before it becomes one, starts as a Bill and goes through a process in the House and Senate before it becomes a law. Along with making laws, Congress also regulates foreign
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Indian constitution act as a guarantee that all Indian citizens can and will lead their lives in peace as long as they live in Indian democracy. These civil liberties take precedence over any other law of the land. They include individual rights common to most liberal democracies, such as equality before the law, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, and the right to constitutional remedies for the protection of civil rights such as habeas
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Is the American Government the Best in the World? Taurean Gardner POL201: American National Government Instructor: Shawon Jackson-Ybarra 19 September 2015 I. The Constitution The American constitution has many strengths and weakness that make our political system best in the world. One major strength of the constitution is the believe that all men are created equal. One unique major weakness it can be extremely vague and it is a 100 years out of date. A way to enhance the strength and
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Manning, 2014). The length of a term is six years for the Circuit Court and at least one year for the Supreme Court and District Courts of Appeal (Florida Supreme Court, 2014). To stay in office, these judges must participate in the next general election that is a year after they are in office. To stay in office after your term, judges participate in a retention election (American Judicature Society, 2014). There are a
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Workplace have brought two opposing points of view to the forefront for employers. When dealing with privacy issues in workplace situations, employers are duty bound to maintain an environment that is not hostile to workers. “The courts have passed laws concerning race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, gender, social or economic background, and religion that the employer increasingly has to observe and respect (you can learn basic employee” According to Jason from
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Enacted into law by the Philippine Commission, the Act created the Department of Public Instruction, laid the foundations of the public school system in the Philippines, provided for the establishment of the Philippine Normal School in Manila and made English as the medium of instruction. (In 1949, the Philippine Normal School was made a teachers' college by virtue of RA 416 and, in 1991, it became a full-pledge university by virtue of RA 7168.) ✓ ACT NO. 1870 OF 1908: The law served as
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RAY WALTER BARSAMIAN 15062 Sonny Circle Irvine CA 92604 949-861-2161 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE PROFESSIONAL Well rounded and energetic professional with over 13 years of experience seeking new Challenge and opportunity to apply consummate skills as Administrative Assistant PROFESSIONAL PROFILE • Self-Motivated leader with expertise in office management and excellent customer service • Communicate complex information easily and concisely; exceptional interpersonal skills
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