Question 2 A system in which hardware or software components located at networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions only be message passing, is characterized as distributed system (Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, & Blair, 2012). A distributed system consists of a collection of autonomous computers, connected through a network and distribution middleware, which enables computers to coordinate their activities and to share the resources of the system, so that users perceive the system
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a virtual token is used to allow pcs to communicate to each other whoever gets the token in the cycle can carry out commands for example you have 4 pc’s numbered 1-4 if the token is at pc 2 and pc 1 wants to print then the token must be passed to pc 3 and then 4 before pc 1 can print in short it is like a queuing process and the requests will be dealt with in the order received, also ring is faster than Ethernet but was
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correctly identified intrusions and the total count of intrusions [4]. False positive rate (FP) is calculated by dividing the count of normal connections which are not correctly classified as intrusions with the total count of normal connections [4]. Fig. 3 Standard Metrics Considering the values in the standard metrics, the detection rate is calculated as 0.9500 and the false positive rate is calculated as 0.3046. Literature Overview GAs and Genetic Programming (GP) were used to identify the intrusion
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techniques is appropriate for each risk explained is task 1. I would utilize Avoidance, we need to make sure that the company is out of any type of risk and if we see any type of threat or vulnerability we need to make sure to work on the problem. 3. Justify your reasoning for each chosen management technique. Like I said before I would utilize Avoidance I would make sure that management would handle malware, antivirus up to date that the Social engineering all work together in order to avoid any
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would require two extra steps, i.e, one step to transmit b1 and one step to send b2. Figure 1.7 Wireless communication without network coding (b) and with network coding (c) To conclude, we see that network coding in the previous example requires 3 time slots. Physical network coding allows A and B to transmit simultaneously reducing the total number of time slots to 2. This is a great idea to increase data transfer rates by minimizing the time
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The internet is playing a very important role I human lives. Now days, it’s become a common in people’s everyday use and without it, they feel like lost in the world. They get all the information in their fingertip by browsing to the internet to gather that information. Normally, internet connected to a group of network for sharing the services. The network is lies of hardware and software, for example hardware is such as server, working station and a medium. However the software is installed on
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Answer: When data is send by two working stations at a time there occurs collision and it stops transmitting and sends again when it founds the line is idle but it’s not defined till which period or duration it has to wait is called non deterministic protocol. It can be also defined as the system that has the possibility of multiple output for each input so that the output cannot be predict. Example: CSMA/CD Q2 Answer A timer is set, before the timer runs out, a clear to send (CTS) will be received
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No security system can be absolutely 100 percent secured. This is due to the fact that, humans are part of these systems and are prone to mistakes “to err is human” It is also true because of the phenomenal pace at which technology advances, making today’s hi-tech environment obsolete overnight. For any organization, it is very important to ensure that security plays a pivotal role in its operations in order to achieve productivity, improved performance and business continuity. The network servers
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VMware, 2015) Risks to stored data are increasing, so the regulatory cloud environment is becoming tougher. The unique nature of the hybrid cloud creates concerns about the type of regulation that should be used. There are secure controls over the data and the audit requirements besides the regulatory compliance maintained in the hybrid cloud the general trend that is seen is that the security through lack of classification is used. Another security concern in compliance is whether the access to
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\subsection{Upload} \subsubsection{True} First at all we consider the scenario in which a user downloads \emph{true} data on Storage Manager. A user who wants to get a data \emph{i} belonging to Level \emph{j}, accessing with the true password for that level. The Storage Manager verifies the user's credentials contacting the Password Cache Repository. He accesses to the desidered level and then he uploads two files: a true one and a fake one. The fake data are required to make possible the deniable
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