properly by writing comments. (5) a. Your program should have separate interface and implementation files. (10) b. The constructor of the Faculty class takes constant parameters passed to it by reference. Explain what difference does it make. (5) c. Which member functions should be declared as constant and why. (3) d. The Constructor of the Course class should take the default arguments of course code = 101 and Course Name = Introduction to Computing. (2) e. Validate that the course name should
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Yourself C in 24 Hours Previous | Table of Contents | Next Hour 1 - Getting Started A journey of a thousand miles is started by taking the first step. —Chinese proverb High thoughts must have high language. —Aristophanes Welcome to Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours. In this first lesson you'll learn the following: What C is Why you need to learn C The ANSI standard Hardware and software required in order to run the C program What Is C? C is a programming language. The C language was
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[pic] TCS0303 ALGORITHM AND DATA STRUCTURE ASSIGNMENT 1 Due date: 8rd December 2014, by 5PM (assignment hardcopy) Weighting: Part of 10% of overall assessment. Environment: You are required to do this assignment in C++ environment. Assessment Your assignment will be assessed for the following: Correctness of the programs Sample test data/results/output or discussion of results No plagiarism Submission You are required to submit documentation in the form of printed
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(quiz_score +mid_score+final_score) / 3; if (avg >= 90) Console.WriteLine("Grade A"); else if ((avg >= 70) && (avg < 90)) Console.WriteLine("Grade B"); else if ((avg >= 50) && (avg < 70)) Console.WriteLine("Grade C"); else if (avg < 50) Console.WriteLine("Grade F"); else Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Console.ReadLine(); } } } 3. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Csharp_exercises
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Testing Process Summary Phoenix University February 18, 2015 Structured testing procedures corroborate with the stability of the new system installed for the Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program. These procedures take place during the course of the design and implementation phases. Testing every aspect of the new system will use techniques such as desk checking, code checking, and design walkthrough. The tests
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Visual Basic has been labeled to be the most successful programming language in the history of programming. In 1991, Microsoft built Visual Basic on the older BASIC language – Beginner’s All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (Mabutt). In the late 1980s, Alan Cooper, owner of Tripod, developed drag-and-drop interface, Ruby, which was also an influence to the idea of Visual Basic (History of Visual Basics). Just like any spoken language, rules must be followed in order to create effective communication
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Requirements for Project. A company produces three types of switches – S1, S2, and S3 – and supplies them to a retailer. It is contractually obligated to meet the demands of the retailer for each type of switch. Because of limited capacity the company may not have sufficient machining, assembly, and finishing time available to satisfy the entire demand in each period through in-house production alone. Contractual obligation requires the company to make up the shortfall in production by procuring
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C Functions Intended Learning Outcomes • Distinguish the basic concepts of functions • Differentiate built-in function to user-defined function • Differentiate the functions that do not return a value and functions that return a value. • Apply or create function/s to solve problems Function • known with various names like a method or a sub-routine or a procedure, etc. • is a group of statements that together perform a task. Every C program has at least one function, which
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TYPES OF VARIABLE 1. Constructive – It doesn’t change 2. Destructive – It change to another value DATA In the C programming language, data types refer to an extensive system used for declaring variables or functions of different types. The type of a variable determines how much space it occupies in storage and how the bit pattern stored is interpreted. The types in C can be classified as follows: S.N. | Types and Description | 1 | Basic Types:They are arithmetic types and consists
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ROCK, PAPER AND SCISSORS include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; char userinput; int wincount, gamescount; enum objtype { rock, paper, scissor}; objtype playerobject, cpuobject; objtype playerselection (char playerinput); objtype cpuselection(); string show_obj_player, show_obj_computer; void winner(); int main(){ char resp; do{ cout << "Choose rock (r), paper (p) or scissor (s)" << endl;
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