high-risk waist circumference for women is noted to be any size in excess of 35 inches. A high waist circumference is associated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and CVD in patients with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2. Being that Mrs. X’s BMI is calculated to be 28.4 kg/m2 she is at even greater risk. 2. The risk factor age for women is typically set for greater than or equal to 55 years of age, but postmenopausal women are also considered to be at risk
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19th and 20th Century, many women played a big role in historical change and the continuation of rights for women. Men believed that women were not suitable for jobs outside the home; traditionally a woman’s place was in the home, where she taught, nurtured, and cared for her family and was supportive to her spouse. In Seneca Falls, New York, is the first women’s rights convention in 1848, which set the agenda as well as outlined grievances for the rights of the women movement. The movement called
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LEADERSHIP AND MOTIVATION 1 " " " Leadership and Motivation: Motivating People The Marine Corps Way Carlos Arias University of Miami " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " LEADERSHIP AND MOTIVATION 2 Abstract Historically, The Marine Corps has always been the smallest service branch, accounting for less than 1% of the US population, including past and present Marines. Yet out of the 10 CEOs in Fortune 500 Companies, 30% have served in the United
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The US government would tell the people that the military forces were pushing stronger every day gaining territory as well as having the upper hand in combat, but the media eventually decided to go see what was happening in Vietnam and was able to see the true story of the gruesome things that were happening and that no one was winning. Media started to broadcast and write about the seas of bodies piling
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and heteronormativity. Even within non-normative spheres, these binary divisions appear, which segregate groups of individuals depending on where they fall within the spectrum. Travestis do no identify as females, but they carry out their lives as women, and have a special attachment to femininity. This identity is very complicated because it disrupts the current gendered dimorphic structure, which is in place. However, within the Travestis smaller sub-culture there is still a gender norm system that
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Modern Challenges XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX REL/134 March 23, 2015 Professor XXXXXXXXXXXX Modern Challenges Out of the many religions of the world and that were focused on during this class, I chose to focus on Christianity, specifically Catholicism. As the oldest Christian religion and notably the most unique and specific, Catholicism is revered throughout the world. It is the most talked about, both in society and religiously and the most controversial among the different Christian religions
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towards children is a large problem, and one probable solution is to make the process of foster homes and adoption faster and cheaper. Depressingly child abuse has been a prevalent problem in the U.S. for quite some time, and not a lot has been done to combat it. These tragic incidents are completely unavoidable and it is unacceptable that it happens. No parent should ever get worked up enough as to assault their own child. “...research, however, suggests that spouse abuse and child abuse are clearly linked
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Abhishek Chandra Japan’s aging problem results crutches for the economy Due to decades of low birth rates, the Japanese population has been aging more rapidly than that of other countries that are more economically developed, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The population started shrinking in 2005, and the working population peaked in 1995. By 2050, each elderly Japanese will be supported by just 1.9 workers, showing a decrease from 10 in 1950. With its
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such as baths. The Inn of Salvius has a series of wall paintings showing customers gambling, quarrelling and then being thrown out. Names of two women gamblers are recorded on the wall in a tavern on the Via Stabania, along with the date and amount of debt and the rate of interest they were being charged. People gambled on the consequence of gladiator combats and cockfights. The large number of dice found in Pompeii is evidence that many people participated in the act of gambling as a way to pass time
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plan, HRM must also adapt with industry trends to maintain growth. Companies adjust to changes in marketing, supply, demand, legal, financial and environmental trends on a constant basis. HRM must also monitor, adapt and implement new strategies to combat trends within human capital to maintain a successful competitive advantage because every organization wants to hire, train, develop and retain the best employees within their industry. As companies strive to become globally competitive, human resources
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