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Adr Clause


Submitted By MHEDDEN1
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ADR Clause for Learning Team Charter
June 17, 2010
Ben Richardson

ADR Clause for Learning Team Charter The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) offers different methods of resolving disputes other than going to court. The learning team system at University of Phoenix offers such a diverse team background that the ADR clause is an appropriate tool needed in the learning team charter to help team members settle disputes when team members are not performing correctly (, 2010). Using the mediation process, the learning team can choose a neutral third party to assist in reaching a resolution. The mediator will not judge nor issue any rewards. The team charter is a single page document used as an agreement between team members that simply displays the rules, regulations, strengths and weaknesses, and an agenda on how the team members will follow through during the course (, 2010). The ADR will be applied to the learning team charter to help resolve any issues or disagreements pertaining to the team (Cheeseman, 2010). Many barriers a learning team will face can cause conflict. For example, each team member may have different work hours, time management, the division of work, contribution to the team and participation towards assignments (, 2010). These examples cause a conflict of interest and if repeated may cause the team to begin breaking down. The ADR clause will now become a factor on the course of action each team member can take for resolution (Cheeseman, 2010). In the event of a conflict, the ADR clause will be referenced and mediation will begin (Cheeseman, 2010). If a team member finds another team member guilty of breaking any of the rules outlined in the learning team charter, he or she must post it immediately in the team forum. Each team member must acknowledge that he or she have read the statement

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