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Advertising and Motivations


Submitted By eddy8311
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Pages 3
Advertisers tend to use several key components in the attempts to sell a product to a certain group of individuals. For example, the car manufacturing companies Audi and Mercedes tend to aim their ads towards individuals seeking luxury and come from a better socio-economic status. While companies like Honda and Toyota direct their ads and marketing more to families. Audi has created a series of commercials that aim to sell their vehicles to those who categorize themselves within their ads, and use psychological motivations in their attempts. Watching several of the commercials Audi has to offer, one of the best examples of audience selection comes from "The Spell" (Spreafico, 2010). In the ad, Audi uses different groups and targets each distinctively. The first person is a kid of about ten years old who is staring at a poster of a Ferrari Italia. The second person is a woman in her mid 30's standing next to a Lexus vehicle. The next two actors to come up are two males who walk towards their Mercedes vehicles. After the two males, there is a senior couple with golfing equipment also standing next to a Lexus vehicle. Finally, there is a middle-aged couple that is standing next to a mansion and a BMW vehicle. It is important to understand what groups of people the characters in the ad attempt to attract because we can see what motivations are used. By starting off with the child in the ad, Audi attempts to achieve what the kid says by coming back to him at the end. The female that follows is standing next to an SUV in front of a soccer field and targets the mothers watching since Mid-SUV's tend to attract female mothers, hence the term soccer mom car. The two males walking toward their Mercedes-Benz vehicles are placed to attract businessmen or those who seek luxury, which is why they are both well dressed. The senior couple that follows is never brought back up but purposely placed the ad, so there are no exclusions of the different age groups. The final couple is an aim to attract mid-aged couples that like to grab attention which is why a comment is made by the female that neighbors will be jealous (Spreafico, 2010). The company creates an ad that doesn't necessarily aim at a certain group of people but attempts to attract all consumers in their way. At the end of the commercial, different cars are shown to the different people who are left baffled by the style and luxury of the Audi vehicles. Although the instinctive and incentive theories of motivation aren't in the ad, Audi does a great job in touching on theories of drive, arousal, evolutionary and hierarchal. The hierarchal theory is targeted with the child in the beginning and ending of the commercial. Looking up to the Ferrari the child is astonished after an Audi rolls up in his neighborhood and diverts his attention from the poster of the Ferrari in his room. With this scene, Audi attempts to imply that obtaining one of their vehicles is the new goal when becoming self-actualized. The arousal theory is spread out throughout the commercial as the Audi vehicles baffle the people when the new Audi vehicles are finally shown. With the ending of the commercial the environmental theory is addressed with the final statement of Audi growing faster than the competitors. Finally, the evolutionary theory is relevant since the title of the ad is "Break the Spell". The ad attempts to demonstrate the evolution of what should be the new line of vehicles to obtain if one wants to be unique. Audi has unique ads that target certain individuals, but this ad shows just how motivations are used by companies to sell their products.

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