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How to Write an Oreo


Submitted By CPeer
Words 330
Pages 2
, How to Write an Oreo
Cynthia Peer
Eng 098
June 17, 2015
Kristena Houghtaling

List of Words * Chocolatey * Creamy * Delicious * Awesome * Satisfy

Sentences Created 1. Oreos are chocolatey. 2. Their centers are creamy. 3. They are delicious with ice cold milk. 4. Chocolate cakes are awesome with crumbled Oreo cookie toppings. 5. Oreos satisfy cravings for chocolate.
Topic and Concluding Sentences
Oreos are a great snack for chocolate lovers.
In conclusion, if anyone is looking for a chocolate snack that goes with everything, they should give Oreos a chance.
Drafted Paragraph Oreos are a great snack for chocolate lovers. They are chocolatey. Their centers are creamy. They are delicious with ice cold milk. Chocolate cakes are awesome with crumbled Oreo cookie topping. Oreos satisfy cravings for chocolate lovers. In conclusion, if anyone is looking for a chocolate snack that goes with everything, they should give Oreos a chance.
Final Paragraph Oreos are a great snack for chocolate lovers. They are chocolatey with a creamy center. Oreos are delicious with a glass of ice cold milk for dunking them. Chocolate cakes are awesome with crumbled Oreo cookie topping. Oreos also satisfy cravings for chocolate lovers. In conclusion, if anyone is a looking for a chocolate snack that goes with everything, they should definitely give Oreos a chance.
My Experience Creating my Paragraph This was truly a fun exercise to get my brain pumping, and I found it very easy to come up with the words needed for my paragraph. I learned that a smooth consistent flow through the paragraph helps to keep the reader involved and wanting to read more. This exercise will help with my future learning, because it taught me how to create a smoother paragraph by starting off with a list. The sentences were easier to construct once I had my list.

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