Premium Essay

Leadership Ted Presentation


Submitted By mikeosaji
Words 394
Pages 2
Develop a leadership profile. It should include the leadership theories, styles, types and characteristics in chapter 12. Use his or her comments in the video and at least one peer-reviewed journal article to further develop his or her profile.
I think the leadership of General Stanley McChrystal was a great example of the path-goal theory. After viewing his video called, “Listen, Learn, and then Lead”, where he adjusted his leadership style as he grew wiser and adapted his leadership behavior to the affects of his environment. During the latter parts of his military career he was forced to developed relationships with his followers in a non-traditional way of communicating using new technology to lead. The rank structure of the military and the mandatory participation are characteristics of the predictions based on the path-goal theory.
General Stanley developed trust in people he could not physically touch or monitor to evaluate their actions. He was motivated by the soldiers he led throughout his career. As a leader during actual wartime he had to take in the affect that the people he led where a totally difference bred of soldiers he once knew, he had to deal with diversity while conforming to the new age of technology and communication. He valued his personal struggles and sacrifices which was a driving force that made him one of the great leaders of today. When he failed; he would view it as a learning opportunity. On an occasion after he thought he failed; his battalion commander said "Stanley, I thought you did great". From that moment he realized the effect of positive reinforcement, where he quoted his commander stating, “A leader can let you fail, but not let you be a failure".
Finally, General McChrystal discusses “a shared purpose” which is sharing the value of attainment. He had to understand his purpose and be more conscious that others did not

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