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Legal Aspect


Submitted By imahunny123
Words 1350
Pages 6
Law is the supreme power of a state commanding what is right and wrong. According to that Labour law is Law fLaw is the supreme power of a state commanding what is right and wrong. According to that Labour law is Law for labours relating to their employment. The labour Law of Sri Lanka could broadly be said to originate from the following; * Statutes- their objective is the regulation of minimum terms and conditions of employment * The awards, orders and judgments * Collective agreements entered in to between trade unions & employer
Labour Law in Sri Lanka commenced from about 1830 with the growth of plantation industry. At present there are 45 labour status in operation of which some are more or less obsolete and have any academic interest.
Terms is “any undertaking in a contract being either a collection, a warranty or an in nominate term” (Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary)
Even though there are many labour laws practice in Sri Lanka I was selected some Labour Acts which are mainly emphasis the Terms and conditions of Employment in Sri Lanka.
Shop and Office Act This covers employees of shops and offices. Minister of labor may declare which organizations will come under that act. Regarding salary with allowances payments needs to be done within ten days , monthly ,within five days or by weekly. Employee gets the appointment letter with their working hours, over time payment details and work place conditions. There needs to be four hours break for the twelve hours shift and on poya days over time needs to be one and half rate with statuary holidays it may increase up to two percent rate. Better ventilization, lighting needs to be provided by the employer. Leaves are categorized as casual, annual and medical. limitations are employees under 14 of age are not allowed, 14-18 not allowed to work at 6.00 pm to 6.00 am. Employees over 16 of age

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