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Memory Man and Macbeth Essay


Submitted By Aspiringstudent
Words 1676
Pages 7
Making an Opportunity
Helen Keller once said “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”. This is a very accurate statement, taking risks is a part of life as people go from day to day. If a person doesn’t make the best of life everyday, things just drag on and never seem to end. Those that take gambles and excite themselves in new and spontaneous ways are the only ones that can hope to break away from this. Many people tend to avoid risks and believe that risk taking is something they should not do merely because it could end with negative consequences; consequences that are almost always exaggerated a great deal. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the protagonist Macbeth made many decisions to achieve his deepest and darkest desire which was to become king. In order to take a hold of what he wanted he took many huge risks, and in taking those risks he achieved his goal. David Baldacci’s Memory Man and “To Risk” by William Arthur Ward are both works of literature about taking risks, if no risks are taken then no ground can be gained and no rewards can be reaped. Through the rewards of taking a risk, the motivations behind risk taking, and the importance of taking a risk, these works of literature show that in order to achieve a goal, a risk must be taken.
Very seldom do people think of the rewards of taking risks and just wallow in the aspects of what could go wrong however, risks need to be taken in order to achieve progress in life. The novel Memory Man was about taking a risk in order to achieve a goal. The protagonist of Memory Man took a risk by walking into his old police precinct disguised while the majority of the police officers were distracted by a serious emergency.
“[Amos] knew this was stupid. Insane. He hadn’t been gone that long from the force. He could be recognized at any moment, like with Pete Rourke.
But he didn’t care. He really

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