Premium Essay

The Unexpected Life Changing Experience


Submitted By Milguy250
Words 602
Pages 3
English 101
18 May 2013

The Unexpected Life Changing Experience
Growing up, it never crossed my mind that I would ever be in the military. The thought of joining the Army was crazy and why would anybody want to join. Serving my country, I did not mind doing, but the military service was not the way. I had a plan just like everyone else that graduate from high school. Two years after graduating high schools, my plan did not go accordingly. Leaving home was something that was in desperate need. So one day after work, I went to a local recruiter without telling my family and joined the Army. My family was highly upset and could not believe what I have done. However, joining the Army would not only be a quick way to start a new beginning, but the Army would change my life in many ways.
Army life helped me to ease the tension I had with my family, by doing just everyday training. Training that required me to work as a group, really help in the healing process. Growing up I was an angry person. I blamed my family for everything. It was always my family’s fault why I had to work while attending college and grew up the way I did. Besides that, I did not want to be around them and just shut myself away from the world. After being in the Army for a while now, seeing other people problems, I learned to let go of that angry. I had to fix myself as a person mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Meanwhile, the Army made man out of me really quick. Working, having an apartment, chilling with friends, and being independent, was the cool thing to do at the time. There was no direction in my life. I was too young, immature, and lacked the discipline to get through years of college. The Army makes everyone accountable and responsible for his or her actions. Day one in boot camp started the maturing phase. Soon, I had

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