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10 Ways to Stop a Bully


Submitted By talaatk
Words 536
Pages 3
10 Ways to Stop A Bully

While bullying is a normal part of life, it is not something that anyone should have to put up with. Bullies are not going to disappear on their own, you have to take the steps to get rid of the bully.
There are ten ways to stop a bully.
1. Put on a brave face. When you let a bully know that you are afraid of them, it is like giving them power. If you give them some power, you will find that the bullying gets worse. So, put on a brave face, and never show your fear.
2. Have a friend around. Bullies are reluctant to go after someone who has backup. Bullies usually pick out the weakest person they can find, and there is strength in numbers. So, stop a bully by having a friend on hand all the time.
3. Avoid the bully. There are some situations where bullying is worse because it is an ideal situation for a bully to go after their victim without any consequences. If there is no adult around, no authority figure like a teacher or parent, then they can bully without fear of getting caught. So, avoid these situations. On the playground stay where other kids can hear, where the playground monitor is around, etc.
4. Ignore bullies. A lot of what bullies do is for a reaction. They say or do things to see what you will do. If you want to stop a bully, just ignore their efforts, soon they will find someone else. Whether it is bullying online or in person, ignore, ignore, ignore.
5. Confront the bully. One of the things that you should do is confront the bully. Ask them why they are bullying you. Ask them what the problem is. Ask them to stop. Bullies are rarely asked to face the reality that they are being a bully, so make them face it.
6. Report the bullying. Bullies can’t bully for long if they are getting caught. The beginning of getting a bully to stop has to start with an authority figure. So, each time someone bullies you, tell an

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