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Bullies Behind Bars


Submitted By MAMMAG24
Words 2792
Pages 12
Bullies Behind Bars

Creating and Enforcing Bullying Laws in the United States

In the past decade there have been a growing number of teenage suicide attempts and successes. Many of these come from some form of bullying and harassment in our schools. Bullies leave scars on our children that last long into their adulthood; if they are lucky enough to make it to adulthood. This behavior has long been accepted as “boys will be boys.” Well boys are no longer boys and girls are sometimes more cruel than boys. It’s time we as parents and adults tell these bullies that their behavior has consequences and we as a society will no longer accept their behavior.

Creating and Enforcing Bullying Laws in the United States.
After my parents split up, life as I had known it for 9 years had changed. My father was gone and we were now living in a small apartment and my mother was on food stamps. I didn’t get my clothes from the store any longer. My clothes came from the church and lots of kids in school let me know it every day. I was called poor, told I was wearing others trash, called names and even tripped a few times. It only lasted a month or so, and then they moved on to the next one and left me alone. Today the bullies are going worldwide on the web. They are harassing you until you want to crawl in a hole and die and unfortunately some do just that. I was fortunate that my bullying experience was short lived, but it never left my mind.
When I had my daughter one of my first thoughts of being a good mother was to teach her to respect everyone, no matter how different they may seem. I remember how I had felt and I wanted to make sure my daughter never made anyone feel that way. As she grew up, I neglected to think that she would be the one who needed the protection. We lived in a nice home; she had nice clothes and was very active in sports.

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