...regulators had found lead in their products. Are the Candy producers truly ignorant to this situation? It first must be understood that regulating the fast growing $620 million Mexican candy industry is riddled with problems because they have too few resources, they have no jurisdiction in Mexico, and if the United States has no jurisdiction, how can they stop Mexico from pumping lead into the candy? A rational response should be for the United States to place a block or boycott on candy producers from Mexico. Without doing so, lead is allowed into candy that our children eat. The United States must hold candy makers in Mexico accountable for what they produce. Pelon Pelo Rico is one of Mexico’s largest candy producers and recently Javier Arroyo, a spokesman for Grupo Lorena was quoted saying "I don't worry about lead in Pelon Pelo Rico," and backing it up by explaining that its own tests haven't shown high lead....
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...Privacy Breach Case Call center workers leaked information so resellers could unlock used phones By DREW FITZGERALD Updated April 8, 2015 5:12 p.m. Call-center workers for AT&T Inc. leaked confidential information on about 280,000 subscribers so that resellers could unlock used phones, federal regulators said Wednesday. The Federal Communications Commission said the privacy breach involved the disclosure of names, parts of Social Security numbers and other data by call-center workers in Mexico, Colombia and the Philippines. AT&T paid $25 million to settle the claims. An FCC official said the workers apparently sold the data to middlemen in the market for phone-unlock codes. One buyer in Mexico—identified only by the alias “El Pelón,” or “Baldie”—bought the data after supplying call-center insiders with a list of requested accounts, the official said. The revelations shine a light on the murky market for used smartphones, which has exploded in recent years as customers look for ways to keep up with the fast pace of upgrades from companies like Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Major carriers and Apple, as well as a number of specialists in the market, offer phone trade-in programs. The market was roiled in late 2013 when AT&T cracked down on large-scale unlocking and required current and former customers to enter their email addresses and the last four digits of their Social Security numbers, along with other information, into AT&T’s website in order to...
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...Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Ensayo de Ética. Gisela Lara Huizar. A01151953 El Marketing de la Obesidad: Un Enfoque Ético "Que tu alimento sea tu medicina y que tu medicina sea tu alimento". Famoso precepto médico predicado por Hipócrates de Cos, considerados por muchos como el “Padre de la Medicina”, en el año 400 años antes de Cristo. Una verdad descomunal expresada en una sola frase que a su vez demuestra que desde la antigua Grecia ya se sabía que la comida impacta directamente la salud, el cuerpo y la mente de cada persona y que una nutrición balanceada es la mejor arma para prevenir enfermedades y promover el bienestar integral. Desgraciadamente hoy en día los alimentos consumidos por la población difieren en gran medida del ideal hipocrático; funcionando más como venenos ocultos que como instrumentos de sanación. Según la UNICEF, la desnutrición y la obesidad representan dos de los más graves problemas a solucionar en materia de salud en México; la primera afectando a un 7.25% de la población y la segunda a un alarmante 70% de la población adulta. Estos datos ubican a México en el preocupante segundo lugar mundial en obesidad y en el primero en obesidad infantil. La principal causa de este problema radica en los malos hábitos alimenticios que a la larga favorecen la aparición de enfermedades crónicas degenerativas...
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...College of Business Administration Florida International University December 6, 2000 IBM Personal Systems Group: Implementing ERP1 There was an eerie quiet in the IBM Personal Systems Group (PSG) plant in Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina. Hundreds of forklifts sat idle in the factory. The shipping docks, usually filled with incoming supplies, were empty. The 2,500 employees who normally worked in the plant each day were gone. The plant, which normally produced 20,000 PCs a week, was shut down. The date was April 6, 1999. On this date, the plant was to ‘go live’ with an implementation of the SAP R/3 system known as Production Release 2 (PR2). As John Corcoran, Director, SAP Production Project, waited for the first transaction to be processed by PR2 on April 6, he reflected on how PSG had come to this milestone event. Several years before, PSG had recognized the need for an integrated system that would allow better management of the supply chain across all of its plants and quicker response to changes in the business environment. Most recently, the success of Dell made clear to PSG the value of creating a CTO (Configure-to-Order) business model in addition to its standard MTM (Machine Type Model) business model. Having a set of autonomous plants, each with a multitude of independent legacy systems that supported different business processes was a significant obstacle to implementing this or any other new business model. On January 1, 1998, the first version of...
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...FACTS Contacts: Mark K. Pogharian Vice President, Investor Relations Tele: (717) 534-7556 Fax: (717) 534-6550 E-mail: mpogharian@hersheys.com Matthew F. Miller Investor Relations Manager Tele: (717) 534-7554 Fax: (717) 534-6550 E-mail: mfmiller@hersheys.com Prepared by: The Hershey Company Investor Relations Department 100 Crystal A Drive, P.O. Box 810 Hershey, PA 17033-0810 Internet: www.hersheys.com The Hershey Company Fact Book Table of Contents Page(S) 3 4 5-24 Mission Statement Acquisition/Divestiture Summary Key Corporate Events Financial Data Summary of Statements of Income - GAAP: 2010 & 2009 Summary of Statements of Income - Pro Forma: 2010 & 2009 Six-Year Consolidated Financial Summary Quarterly Performance (2010, 2009 & 2008) 2002 – 2010 GAAP & Non-GAAP Annual EPS Capitalization Financing Arrangements Long Term Financial Objectives Capital Expenditures Depreciation Cash Flow Analysis Share Repurchases Economic-ROIC HSY Stock Statistics Key Management Hershey Executive Team Operations U.S. Confectionery Industry U.S. Market Share U.S. Classes of Trade U.S. Snack Market Hershey Products Hershey Canada Hershey Mexico Hershey International Commodities Cocoa Sugar Hershey Manufacturing and Distribution 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35-36 37 38-39 40 41-42 43-44 45 45 46-47 48-50 51 52-53 54-55 56 57 The Hershey Company What it means to stakeholders Consumers Delivering quality consumer-driven confectionery experiences for all occasions ...
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...FACTS Contacts: Mark K. Pogharian Vice President, Investor Relations Tele: (717) 534-7556 Fax: (717) 534-6550 E-mail: mpogharian@hersheys.com Matthew F. Miller Investor Relations Manager Tele: (717) 534-7554 Fax: (717) 534-6550 E-mail: mfmiller@hersheys.com Prepared by: The Hershey Company Investor Relations Department 100 Crystal A Drive, P.O. Box 810 Hershey, PA 17033-0810 Internet: www.hersheys.com The Hershey Company Fact Book Table of Contents Page(s) 3 4 5-24 Mission Statement Acquisition/Divestiture Summary Key Corporate Events Financial Data Summary of Statements of Income - GAAP: 2011 & 2010 Summary of Statements of Income - Pro Forma: 2011 & 2010 Six-Year Consolidated Financial Summary Quarterly Performance (2010, 2009 & 2008) 2002 – 2010 GAAP & Non-GAAP Annual EPS Capitalization Financing Arrangements Long Term Financial Objectives Capital Expenditures Depreciation Cash Flow Analysis Share Repurchases Economic-ROIC HSY Stock Statistics Key Management Hershey Executive Team Operations U.S. Confectionery Industry U.S. Market Share U.S. Classes of Trade U.S. Snack Market Hershey Products Hershey Canada Hershey International Commodities Cocoa Sugar Hershey Manufacturing and Distribution 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35-36 37 38-39 40 41-42 43-44 45 45 46-47 48-50 51-52 53-54 55 56 The Hershey Company What it means to stakeholders Consumers Delivering quality consumer-driven confectionery experiences for all occasions Employees ...
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...Le teT- essous concerne les préts bancaires aux étudiants. Compiétez-le avec trois cies cinq phrases a. e. proposées. -. a. Far conséquent, les banques ne prétent pas facilernent aux jeunes. b. Ainsi, les élves des grandes écoles sorit particulirement favorisés. c. II faut parfos aller voir un banquíer. d. lis proposent tous des préts aux étudiants. e. En revanche, les taux d’intérét sont peu élevés. Étudiant aujourd’hui, client demain Selon une enquete recente de I lnsee cnq années d’études supéríeures en dehors dU domicile familial coűtent en moyenne 47 750 euros. Pour régler une telle somme, l’aide des parents, les bourses d’études et les petits boulots ne suffisent pas toujours. [1 premier compte bancaire » explique Jean Marc Noir, directeur d’une agence bancaire parisienne. . - ] Les établissements financiers le Mais les étudiants ne sorit pas traités sur un pied d’égalité plus la formation sulvie est Iongue et prestigleuse, plus le montant prété est important et moins le taux est élevé. « savent bien. [2 ] Car les étudiants cons« Un. tituent une cible prioritaire. Ii est plus facile de conquenr une personne non bancarísee que de ravir un client a la concurrence C est a I age des etudes supeneures, entre 16 et 21 ans, que 60 Y des jeunes ouvrent leur étudiant nous intéresse d’autant plus.qué son avenír professionnel est prometteur »‚ recon naTt Florence Cheutin, chef de prodütt dun banque belge [3 .. .- ] - 7 6. VOCABULAIRE Q Compiétez avec les verbes suivants:...
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