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16th Century Research Paper

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Technology and constantly changing inventions have been a huge part of culture for the Americas for the longest time. Technology has been used to simplify our lives or improve them in other ways. Either way, we all know that every time era has had its breakthroughs in science, technology, and just inventions in general. In this case, the technology from the 16th century has been incredibly important for society’s function, and there are so many that have been presented to us. Inventions of the 16th century have gotten big and died down, never got any attention in the first place, or remained relevant and useful to society and continue to in the 21st century. It takes time, effort, and skill to make an invention that has proved itself to society and has been used for important, sometimes life-essential tasks. That kind of skill, time, and effort …show more content…
The wheellock musket is a weapon some claim to be created by Leonardo DaVinci, as drawings and sketches of the idea of the gun were drawn by DaVinci in the 1490’s. However, drawings not owned by DaVinci of the musket have also been found, supporting the idea that it may had been created by an unknown german mechanic. Though banned in 1517 and 1518, this did not prevent the weapon from being used. The wheellock is a small gun and gentle to the one in use of it, unlike more big and burly guns with a knockback. This made it easy to conceal, and this resulted in the wheellock unfortunately being used in multiple assassinations debatably. While used for these assassinations, it was also used for the military at the time, but it was never mass-produced. Either way, the wheellock musket had quite the effect on society no matter where it was used. With it’s small size and no knockback, though more or less the power of a regular gun, the wheellock musket made itself useful to many in its time.

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