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1936 Summer Olympics - Presentation


Submitted By lauridsen1
Words 302
Pages 2
1936 Summer Olympics
One of the biggest racial events, ever, was at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany. And from the very start there was an opposition to the Olympic Games actually being held in Germany.
"Neither Americans nor the representatives of other countries can take part in the Games in Nazi Germany without at least acquiescing in the contempt of the Nazis for fair play and their sordid exploitation of the Games." - I do not recognize the person who said this, but despite the resentment, the Olympic Games were held.
This was all incredibly bad timing due to the World War 2, which starts a few years later but during this time, Adolf Hitler was already leading a major Nazi-“organization” and giving this fact, Hitler was not to fund with the fact that African-American and Jewish athletes competing in the Olympics.
Margaret Bergmann Lambert was excluded because she was Jewish. She had to withhold her anger and frustration in regard to Hitler's unequal and unfair ruling in Germany Even though Lambert had equaled the German national record in the high jump a month before the Olympic Games, she was denied the opportunity to participate in the games. In addition, the Nazi Press described African Americans as "black auxiliaries" and eventually called for their exclusion from the Olympics.
Also, Hitler's Nazis created rules and restrictions within Germany that prohibited Jews from being able to use local facilities and playgrounds for appropriate training, occurring as early as March 1933. This gave Jews and other "non Aryan" people unequal training methods.
Despite Adolf Hitlers unfair ruling in the Olympic Games, it didn’t stop the African-Americans and the Jewish competitors making great results. Jesse Owens won 4 gold medals one in 100-meter sprint, 200-meter, long jump &

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