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19th Century Transcendentalism

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Throughout history, mankind has always found a need for answers and to express such answers through stories. Although influenced by nineteenth century Transcendentalism, dark romanticism showed a more realistic, dark side of humanity than regular romanticism. Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne are the backbone of dark romantic literature, as illustrated through underlying meanings. As opposed to the perfectionist beliefs of Transcendentalism, the dark romantics emphasized human imperfection and sinfulness and tendency of self-destruction. By using the concept of obsession and exploration of nature, Poe and Hawthorne brought forth evidence that women in 19th century society endure mans judgement(??) while men themselves self-destruct from their own misinterpretation of human nature and a woman's capability to , which still continue to still prove relevant in modern society. …show more content…
Hawthorne’s short story, “The Birthmark”, explores the idea as to whether human perfection is attainable through scientific experimentation and, if so, could women be possibly purified. The story’s protagonist, Aylmer, presents himself as so obsessed with science that even his marriage to a woman of incomparable beauty cannot compete with his passion for science. He strives to rid Georgiana of the cursed birthmark upon her face using his knowledge of experimentation. Aylmer sees the birthmark as a curse and calls it, “the fatal flaw of humanity which nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her productions...(Hawthorne 2)”. Any type of imperfection seen on a woman as a curse; it must either be hidden or removed. Likewise, in the 21st century, men, and even women alike, have an obsession with removing any visible fault to

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