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Court Case Study: US C. 704 V.

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This Part argues that 18 U.S.C. § 704(a) can be constitutionally applied in Matthews without undermining his freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment. First, it compares the rationales in Alvarez and Hamilton, discussing why the reasoning in Hamilton is more convincing in the present case. Next, it applies the “most exacting scrutiny” test to the facts in Matthews, illustrating why Matthew’s conduct should be subject to reasonable regulation.
In the present case, Matthews had planned to take advantage of other’s perception of military honors to aid in his campaign for a town council position. Without membership of the local American Legion Post, he attended the organization’s annual social event wearing an unearned Purple Heart. It is undisputed that Matthews had perfect knowledge that he had not served in the military; it is also impossible that he made a good-faith mistake in believing that he had actually earned the …show more content…
Instead of being overbroad, the statute should be narrowly tailored to achieve the compelling government interest. The language of the statute provides sufficiently clear guidance that the conduct of wearing a military medal will be criminalized only if (1) the medal is unauthorized and (2) the wearer knowingly wears it with an intent to deceive. Accordingly, Matthews would have been not only free to express his opinions about veterans by wearing a medal if he had obtained authorization, but also immune from the restriction if he had not intended to deceive. The dual limitations of authorization and criminal intent is both congruent with the legislative intent to prevent fraudulent conduct and narrowly tailored to protecting honored veterans from both reputational and tangible harm. Thus, the Court should find a direct link between the restriction and the proscribed

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