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2.Happiness and Success - Issue # 2


Submitted By heirservices
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Happiness & Success ( Issue # 2) by HEIR Services

Different people eventually discover themselves to be motivated by a combination of factors and values worth having. I am aware of a few rich and talented executives who committed suicide. A bank executive took his own life during the economic crisis. The company he served had to declare bankruptcy. Why was he so unhappy enough to take his own life ? Was it because of shame ? Was it due to his strong attachment to the company that died or the substantial amount of cash he knew he would not see everyday ? Could it have been because he foresaw that his tragic experience was just the start of a series of problems ? And maybe it was not bearable for him to face those forthcoming events even though he would remain rich with basic things needed to survive. Was it the sleepless nights that tortured his mind ? Or was it a loss of faith in God and in himself to rise up another day for another challenging endeavor ?

Job of the Holy Bible realized a worse set of failures. He lost not only properties but also good health and lives of loved ones. Yet he did not commit suicide. Those who read the Scriptures know how he eventually gained much more than the wealth that he lost, after his life was put to the test by the devil.

Wealth is a motivating factor indeed. However, it can also be a hindrance for a rich person to realize other important values that no amount of money can buy. Attractive things shine so bright in the brain. It can look like there is nothing else worth thinking about except money and what money can provide a human being. Pleasure seekers are well aware of this. For men, many would enjoy wine, women, plenty of friends, adventures, being treated like a Prince or King, possession of beautiful items, praises from government, church, and various organizations. So many would be grateful for the big donations and influence in order to facilitate transactions. Fame. Victory in elections. Citations and Honorary Positions. But because of wealth and the enjoyment of all that money can buy, that same wealthy person cannot experience the simple happiness of the masses who are deprived of even basic means to live human lives.

For women, most would enjoy beauty treatments, adventures, new shoes, new shoes, new shoes.A former First Lady was famous for having a thousand new shoes ready to wear. A very recent trend revealed that women would like to have their fats burned in clinics in order to look sexy or at least not ugly to look at. They can do the same for wrinkles, eyebags, sagging skin. Did you notice that some faces now look as smooth as marble stone faces of statues ? And with sophisticated make-ups, they would be very happy to display pearl skin in pictures. Remove that and they can feel so irritated specially if pressed by circumstances to face people. Their happiness will be the provision for more time to deal with the mirror and cosmetics.

Those who worked very hard for the attainment of wealth will naturally not want to lose their gains. They will be very busy maintaining enterprises already built over time. Yet they will have other sources of happiness and success. Most businessmen call it profits or ROI, return on investments.

If we look at lives of the working class, great joy can be realized whenever new clothes are purchased. Or delicious food is served on a birthday. This is not true for people who are used to it.They'd say: " So what's new ?" A family who finally owns a house will celebrate. The new goal might be for new furnitures, new car, and many other amenities. Desires are endless. Those who preach charity are themselves in need of charity. Success could mean a big amount after computing 10 % and a big church can be a status symbol in the same way that a new car provides the same feeling.

What matters is your happiness and success.

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