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Submitted By dwhite3156
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Career Path
Denzel White
April 12, 2015
Dr. George R. Monk

Career Path
The University of Phoenix provide for their students a wide range of tools and different assets to help their students have a great opportunity to be highly successful. These tools help the students prepare themselves for the future and for the workforce adventure. One of the tools recommended by the school that it provides is the career interests profiler. The Career Interest Profiler gives students the opportunity to set goals to achieve their desired occupation. The results that I received from completing the Career Interest Profiler were very surprising indeed because upon me entering school I was undecided with what I wanted to do. In my case I didn’t really know what jobs were out there that were available to me in the job field that I’m pursuing. I was really happy with the results and it gave me motivation to give my all while in school. There were three job occupations that interested me the most relating to my field of interest. The first occupation that interested me was the Business Analyst Manager. I was able to search the job sites that were available to me pertaining to this occupation. With the Career Interests Profiler, it enabled me to see the job salaries, qualifications, and the high demand interest in this occupation. I found out things I didn’t know before and now I know what I need to do to prepare myself for this occupation. Out of my top three job interests, there was some things that I found to be more interesting than others. Through this, it gives me a broad range of jobs to aim for on my goal list. Another job occupation that is one of my top three picks is the Program Manager. There are many different occupations related to this occupation. Not only are there many occupations related to the Program Manager that I could do but the salary of a Program Manager suits my desired job salary range. The other job occupation that I highly intend to get is to be an Operations Manager. There are many government jobs that are there. If am able to land this job with the government, there are many benefits including. All the results that I discovered from doing the Career Interests Profiler fit my desired career. By doing the Career Interests Profiler I was able to actually fix my mind on a specific job occupation and narrow down the results of other job occupations to choose from. Now I am ready go full steam ahead to meet my goal of completing my degree.

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