Premium Essay

35Q Advanced Leadership Course (ALC)

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Pages 3
I have to admit that I went into 35Q advance leader course(ALC) with certain expectations. With this course now being a mandatory requirement for promotion, I felt more emphasis would be placed on leadership development. I looked forward to coming to ALC and I felt that I would end up learning a lot and that it would be extremely beneficial. That was how I felt before the course. Now, I am nearing the end of the course and I have experience two months of ALC. Looking back and looking forward I will reflect on my experience and time here at ALC. I will start of on the bad reflections that I have had and I will end with the good reflections that I have had. It is important that we take the good and leave the bad and hopefully grow as noncommissioned officers. …show more content…
This is the first time that I can recall ever learning by this method in my ten years of service. I will start by saying that I see the merit in this method. I do however after experiencing it, have come to a conclusion. I feel as though it is good in theory but not in practice. There are those students who have a need to always be right, love to hear themselves talk and feel they need to be the smartest in the room. This crushes discussion and I have seen students refuse to talk because they know they will be silenced or talked over. I conceded that there are right and wrong answers. Students should still be allowed to speak their mind and voice their thoughts, regardless of right or wrong. There were times when I myself felt it was not worth it to speak up or was left frustrated and angry for attempting to voice my thoughts due to the actions of fellow

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