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4 Pillars of Demand Planning


Submitted By razakazim21
Words 4640
Pages 19

An Executive White Paper

Four Pillars of Demand Planning Excellence
Achieving higher supply chain performance with more powerful, accurate demand planning


An Executive Whitepaper

Table of Contents Pillar #1: Go Beyond Simple Forecasting .....3 Pillar #2: Beat the “Devil in the Details” Using a Demand Aggregation Hierarchy........5 Pillar #3: Take Planner Productivity to the Next Level ............................................7 Pillar #4: Make Collaboration a Core Demand Planning Competency ......................8

Four Pillars of Demand Planning Excellence
Achieving higher supply chain performance with more powerful, accurate demand planning

Executive Overview
Estimating future demand is one of the most valuable, but difficult challenges in supply chain optimization. Any discussion of this subject will invariably note that forecasts are always wrong, but absolutely essential to planning business effectively. Demand forecasting provides the crucial forward-looking picture that shapes how a company will deploy its supply chain to take maximum advantage of customer opportunity. “Demand planning” is the effort to increase forecast accuracy and customer service levels through better perceiving, predicting, and shaping the full range of factors that determine how well your product portfolio satisfies market needs. No other aspect of supply chain optimization has greater impact on business profitability. Providing the best “one number” forecast requires capturing demand close to its source and accurately predicting actual demand with enough lead time and confidence to ensure maximum sales and operations performance at minimum cost. This paper outlines four key elements that support effective demand planning and establish fundamental parameters for higher

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