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48 Hours Without Media Analysis

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Forty Eight Hours without media and technology proved to be a difficult challenge, I completed the assignment between August 28 and August 30 (midnight to midnight). The results of theexperiment on my views wasremarkable.I was more alert of how technology and media are constantly surrounding us, and how dependent on we are on them. After experiencing 48 hours without media and technology, I believe this assignment should be an academic requirement to all students. It will assist them to recognize how useful technology and media are, while bringing awareness onhow dependent we are on it. I will discuss the positive and negatives of the assignment, and how it as a society we should focus on using our media and technology as a tool rather than …show more content…
However, there were difficulties most, for example nobody around me would give try to assist me with completing the 48 hours. I would go into the living room during the morning to find a family member watching TV and/or playing on their tablet/laptop. When I had suggested she turned off the TV I received a rather distasteful look. At first I was convinced she was watching something important to her, but the situation repeated after I returned from work. I was dumbfounded that nobody in my household was willing to turn off the TV, tablet, laptop or radio for the few hours or minutes that I was actually at the house.Leaving me isolated within my room. It wasn't until I was at work I understood the difficulty of escaping all forms of media. Within the establishmentwe had a radio playing different occurred to me during constantly in the background.It this situation about how much media is constantly around us without recognizing it, it raised the question of when was the last time I walked into any establishment where music wasn't playing. During my lunch, I wasn'table order a sub from the sandwich shop next door without being bombarded with a large flat screen playing the

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