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4p Strategy


Submitted By shyscc
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一、4P策略 4P是市场营销过程中可以控制的因素,也是企业进行市场营销活动的主要手段,对它们的具体运用,形成了最基本的企业的市场营销战略。4P是指产品product,价格price,地点place,促销promotion。 首先对于产品来说,要注意到产品的实体、服务、品牌和包装,具体来说产品是指企业提供给目标市场的货物和服务的集合,这其中包括产品的效用、质量、外观、式样、品牌、包装和规格,此外还包括服务和保证等因素。 作为价格则主要包括基本价格、折扣价格、付款时间、借贷条件等。它是指企业出售产品所追求的经济回报。 地点通常就包括分销渠道、储存设施、运输设施、存货控制,它代表企业为使其产品进入和达到目标市场所组织、实施的各种活动,包括途径、环节、场所、仓储和运输等。 促销的内容是指企业利用各种信息载体与目标市场进行沟通的传播活动,包括广告、人员推销、营业推广与公共关系等等。 4P策略是这四种策略中最为基础的一种,4P具有的特点也十分明显: 首先这四种因素是企业可以调节、控制和运用的,如企业根据目标市场情况,能够自主决定生产什么产品,制定什么价格,选择什么销售渠道,采用什么促销方式。 其次,这些因素都不是固定不变的,而是不断变化的。企业受到内部条件、外部环境变化的影响,必须能动地做出相应的反应。 最后这四种因素是一个整体,它们不是简单的相加或拼凑集合,而应在统一目标指导下,彼此配合、相互补充,能够求得大于局部功能之和的整体效应。 二、4C策略 4C是由营销学家菲利普·科特勒所提出来的,他提出了整体营销的概念,整合营销其意义就是强调各种要素之间的关联性,要求它们成为统一的有机体。具体地讲,整合营销更要求各种营销要素的作用力统一方向,形成合力,共同为企业的营销目标服务。4C是指消费者consumer,成本cost,便利convenience,沟通communication。 消费者指消费者的需要和欲望。企业要把重视顾客放在第一位,强调创造顾客比开发产品更重要,满足消费者的需求和欲望比产品功能更重要,不能仅仅卖企业想制造的产品,而是要提供顾客确实想买的产品。 成本指消费者获得满足的成本,或是消费者满足自己的需要和预想所愿意付出的成本价格。其中包括:企业的生产成本,即生产适合消费者需要的产品成本;消费者购物成本,不仅指购物的货币支出,还有时间耗费、体力和精力耗费以及风险承担。因此企业要想在消费者支持的价格限度内增加利润就必须降低成本。 便利指购买的方便性。比之传统的营销渠道,新的观念更重视服务环节,在销售过程中强调为顾客提供便利,让顾客既购买到商品,购买到便利。企业要深入了解不同的消费者有哪些不同的购买方式和偏好,把便利原则贯穿于营销活动的全过程,售前做好服务,及时向消费者提供关于产品的性能、质量、价格、使用方法和效果的准确信息。售后应重视信息反馈和追踪调查,及时处理和答复顾客意见,对有问题的商品主动退换,对使用故障积极提供维修方便,大件商品甚至终身保修。 沟通指与用户沟通,企业可以尝试多种营销策划与营销组合,如果未能收到理想的效果,说明企业与产品尚未完全被消费者接受。这时,不能依靠加强单向劝导顾客,要着眼于加强双向沟通,增进相互的理解,实现真正的适销对路,培养忠诚的顾客。 三、4R策略 美国的Done Schuhz提出了关于4R策略的营销新理论,阐述了一个全新的营销四要素:与顾客建立关联Relevance,反应React,关系Relation,回报Return。 与顾客建立关联是指在竞争性市场中,企业通过某些有效的方式在业务、需求等方面与顾客建立关联,形成一种互助、互求、互需的关系,把顾客与企业联系在一起。顾客是具有动态性的,顾客忠诚度也是变化的,要提高顾客的忠诚度,赢得长期而稳定的市场,避免其忠诚度转移到其它的企业,必须要与他们建立起牢固的关联,这样才可以大大减少了顾客流失的可能性。 反应是指的企业市场反应,在相互影响的市场中,对经营者来说最现实的问题不在于如何控制、制定和实施计划,而在于如何站在顾客的角度及时地倾听顾客的希望、渴望和需求,并及时答复和迅速做出反应,满足顾客的需求。对于企业来说应该建立快速反应机制,了解顾客与竞争对手的一举一动,从而迅速做出反应。 而对于关系来说,则要求通过不断改进企业与消费者的关系,实现顾客固定化。同时企业要注意的是尽量对每一位不同的顾客的不同关系加以辨别,这其中包括从一次性顾客到终生顾客之间的每一种顾客类型,分清楚不同的关系在进行企业市场营销时才不至于分散营销力量。与顾客建立起良好的关系,从而获得顾客的满意和忠诚感,才能保持顾客,进一步还能把满意的顾客变成亲密的顾客。 回报对企业来说,是指市场营销为企业带来短期或长期的收入和利润的能力。一方面,追求回报是市场营销发展的动力;另一方面,回报是维持市场关系的必要条件。企业要满足客户需求,为客户提供价值,同时也要获取利润,因此,市场营销目标必须注重产出,注重企业在营销活动中的回报,一切市场营销活动都必须以为顾客及股东创造价值为目的。 四、4S策略 4S市场营销策略则主要强调从消费者需求出发,建立起一种“消费者占有”的导向。它要求企业针对消费者的满意程度对产品、服务、品牌不断进行改进,从而达到企业服务品质最优化,使消费者满意度最大化,进而使消费者达到对企业产品产生一种忠诚。4S是指满意satisfaction,服务service,速度speed和诚意sincerity。 满意是指的顾客满意,强调企业要以顾客需求为导向,以顾客满意为中心,企业要站在顾客立场上考虑和解决问题,要把顾客的需要和满意放在一切考虑因素之首。 服务包括几个方面的内容,首先精通业务工作的企业营销人员要为顾客提供尽可能多的商品信息,经常与顾客联络,询问他们的要求;其次要对顾客态度亲切友善,用体贴入微的服务来感动用户;再次要将每位顾客都视为特殊和重要的人物,也就是那句顾客是上帝;另外在每次服务结束后要邀请每一位顾客下次再度光临,作为企业,要以最好的服务、优质的产品、适中的价格来吸引顾客多次光临;最后要为顾客营造一个温馨的服务环境,这要求企业对文化建设加大力度;当然在整个服务过程中最重要的是服务人员用眼神表达对顾客的关心,用眼睛去观察,用头脑去分析,真正做到对顾客体贴入微关怀的服务。 速度指不让顾客久等,而能迅速的接待、办理,有最快的速度才能迎来最多的顾客。 诚意指要以他人利益为重的真诚来服务客人。要想赢得顾客的人,必先投之以情,用真情服务感化顾客,以有情服务赢得无情的竞争。 五、“4P”“4C”“4R”“4S”策略各自的优缺点 在市场营销过程中4P、4C、4R、4S策略拥有着各自的优势和劣势。 对于4P策略来说,其直观性、可操作性和易控制性是最大的优点。4P包含了企业营销所运用的每一个方面,它可以清楚直观的解析企业的整个营销过程,而且紧密联系产品,从产品的生产加工一直到交换消费,能完整的体现商品交易的整个环节,对于企业而言,容易掌握与监控,哪个环节出现了问题,都容易及时的诊断与纠正。4P的缺陷也是比较明显的,它是以企业为中心的,以追求利润最大化为原则,这势必会产生企业与顾客之间的矛盾,4P不从顾客的需求出发,其成本加利润法则往往不被消费者所动,企业也不考虑消费者的利益,只是采用各种手段让消费者了解他的产品,从而有机会购买其产品。而不是注意消费者的引导思想。 4C营销策略则注重以消费者需求为导向,克服了4P策略只从企业考虑的局限。但是,从企业的营销实践和市场发展的趋势来看,4C策略也有一些不足。首先,它立足的是顾客导向而不是竞争导向,而在市场竞争中,要取得成功既要考虑到客户,也要考虑到竞争对手。另外,4C策略在强调以顾客需求为导向的时候却没有结合企业的实际情况。最后,4C策略仍然没有体现既赢得客户,又长期地拥有客户的关系营销思想,被动适应顾客需求的色彩较浓,没有解决满足顾客需求的操作性问题。 4R营销策略的最大特点是以竞争为导向,弥补了4C策略的不足,主动地创造需求,运用优化和系统的思想去整合营销,通过关联、关系、反应等形式与客户形成独特的关系,把企业与客户联系在一起,形成竞争优势。其追求回报,企业必然实施低成本战略,充分考虑顾客愿意付出的成本,实现成本的最小化,并在此基础上获得更多的市场份额,形成规模效益。这样,企业为顾客提供价值和追求回报相辅相成,相互促进,客观上达到的是一种双赢的效果。当然4R策略也有缺陷,它要求同顾客建立关联,需要实力基础或某些特殊条件,并不是所有的企业可以轻易做到的。 4S市场营销策略的主要优点则是建立起一种“消费者占有”的导向,要求企业针对消费者的满意程度对产品、服务、品牌不断进行改进,从而达到企业服务品质最优化,使消费者满意度最大化,进而使消费者达到对企业产品产生一种忠诚。但对于一个企业来说要达到是消费者满意,并且树立起企业的独特品牌却有相当大的难度。这不仅关系到企业的决策层,更关系到企业上上下下的每一个员工的态度,更要求要树立起一定的企业文化,这才能达到对于顾客的服务最好最精,才能使得顾客达到满意,对于企业的品牌产生认可。 六、“4P”“4C”“4R”“4S”策略的结合应用与举例 现代的市场营销管理从本质上来说是一种观念,一种态度或是说一种企业思维方式,它的核心是正确处理企业、顾客和社会三者之间的利益关系。要达到市场营销的成功应该采用4P、4C、4R、4S策略的有机结合,企业要全面树立以顾客为中心的价值观,“做生意就是要创造顾客,留顾客”发展“连锁顾客”。顾客需求为导向,通过顾客的满意系统的运行,赢得忠诚满意的顾客群。此外,企业必须透露出一种以他人利益为重的真诚、可信。 在此以宝洁为例来看看在市场营销过程中对于4P、4C、4R、4S策略结合的实际运用。 首先对于4P中的产品要素来说,号称“没有打不响的品牌”的宝洁公司自80年代进军中国市场以来,从“海飞丝”洗发水开始,接连推出了飘柔、潘婷、舒肤佳、碧浪等产品。宝洁对于这些洗洁产品很注重突出其产品特点,对于潘婷来说,强调它拥有的维他命B5的独特功能,从发根彻底渗透至发尖,营养头发。而对于舒肤佳则以杀菌为突破口,宣传不仅要去污,而且还要杀灭皮肤上的细菌。对于碧浪,就是强调它对于顽固蛋白质污渍的去污能力,并且打出了浸泡30分钟,不必搓揉就能干干净净的产品新特点。 对于4P中的价格和4C中的成本因素,宝洁以消费者愿意付出的成本为定价原则。宝洁最初打入中国市场时是以高品质、高价位的品牌形象进入的,虽然当时中国消费者的收入并不高,但宝洁仍将自己的产品定在高价上,价格是国内品牌的3到5倍,但要比进口品牌便宜1~2元。而这正切中了我国消费者崇尚名牌的购买心理,消费者愿意以较高的价格购买其产品,这使宝洁拥有着强大的竞争力,得以在洗发水用品市场上的众多品牌中脱颖而出。而现阶段,宝洁继续保持其高品质,而价格却更为大众化。 对于4C消费者、便利、与消费者沟通环节和4R、4S策略以消费者和顾客为出发点来说,宝洁做到了尽一切可能了解消费者需求,使顾客满意。早在1924年就成立了消费者研究机构,成为在美国工业率先运用科学分析方法了解消费者需求的公司之一。 此外,为了了解企业与顾客的关联程度,宝洁公司每年运用多种市场调研工具和技术,如消费者座谈会、接收消费者信件、跟踪调查系统等与全球超过700万消费者进行交流,及时捕捉消费者的意见,同时发现并了解他们的需求。宝洁一直立足为消费者提供方便的宝洁公司建立了包括公司网站与产品网站在内的完善的网站体系,将其作为信息发布、品牌推广、服务支持的平台,目前用户还可以通过网络实名快速到宝洁的产品网站了解所需的信息。 达到为顾客提供最便利的服务,起初宝洁雇用了“现场调查员”进行逐门逐户的访问,向消费者了解他们对于宝洁产品的各种意见,并且这种方法一直沿用至今。另外,宝洁公司还是世界上最早采用免费电话与消费者沟通的公司之一,宝洁公司建立了庞大的数据库,把用户意见及时反馈给产品开发部,以求产品的改进。 迄今为止,宝洁公司每年用多种工具和技术与全世界超过700万的消费者进行交流。这一切都是宝洁公司对于“4P”“4C”“4R”“4S”策略较好结合应用。

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...TYPES OF MARKETING STRATEGIES MARKET LEADER STRATEGIES 1. Expand total market 2. Defend market share 3. Expand market share MARKET CHALLENGER STRATEGIES 1. Define strategic objective and opponents 2. Choosing an attack strategy MARKET FOLLOWER STRATEGIES MARKET NICHE STRATEGIES ================ A. 1. MARKET LEADER STRATEGIES EXPAND TOTAL MARKET • New Users E.g.: perfume:--> non-users (mkt-penetration strat) --> men (new market strat) --> other countries (geo-expan strat) E.g.: J&J Baby shampoo: birthrate declining --> ads target adults --> leading brand • New uses Cereals: as snacks --> increase frequency of use OJ: “not for breakfast anymore” Du Pont nylon: parachute-->pantyhose-->blouses & shirts --> auto tires -->seat belts --> carpeting Arm & Hammer: baking--> fridge deodorant --> quell kitchen grease --> carpet/pet deodorant --> bath tub relaxant --> toothpaste --> ???? • More usage: Michelin: want French to drive more --> rate restaurants (best in south --Provence & Riviera) --> publish guidebooks with maps and sights along the way 2. DEFEND MARKET SHARE • decide where to defend • continuous innovation along Mktg Mix Position defense: - purely defensive not enough --> must take offensive counter-measure Eg: Coke --> multi segments of cola mkt --> enter wine market --> acquire fruit drink companies --> desalination equipment --> plastics Flanking defense: - guarding territory not enough - create outposts/flanks: --> protect weak front --> invasion base for counter-attack...

Words: 1301 - Pages: 6

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Managing Your Top Clients for Retention, Profitability and Growth

...clients. For many firms, the “80/20 rule” applies where the largest concentration (80%) of your revenue is being derived by a relatively small subset (20%) of your customers. These clients, due to the leveraged impact they have on your bottom-line and infrastructure costs, need to be carefully managed and made a key focus of your business strategy. This is equally true for a huge multi-million dollar conglomerate or a relatively small professional practice. While a continuing focus on new business acquisition is of paramount importance – “Grow or Die” – the strategy decision of how you marshal your limited resources of time, money and effort is a crucial one. Deciding to manage your top clients as “strategic accounts”, and investing your resources to build your relationships with them, provides a multiplier effect of benefits. To name a few: lowers acquisition costs for new business, engenders a higher level of customer loyalty, creates revenue stability and profitability enhancement, inspires ongoing future business, and develops a strong referral generator and free PR. Small businesses and professional practices can learn and incorporate strategies and practices from the larger, established strategic account departments of larger firms. Strategic account management is a mindset and a methodology, a series of carefully thought out decisions and processes that enforce and ensure that you truly place your top clients at the core of your business. This discipline needs to be internalized...

Words: 961 - Pages: 4

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Stretegic Plan I

...Strategic Plan Strategic planning is an important tool for any organization. By having the right strategic plan, a company could reach their goal as well as meet their customers’ demands. A strategic planning helps a company develop basic goals which company will try to reach in certain a time period. In the strategic planning, company will usually consider the mission statement, vision, and values of company. Through this paper, an individual will gain information how US Airways business, product the airline provide, and services US airways. The reader will also gain information about how US airways work on developing right mission statement. The reader will also gain information how important mission, vision, and values to US airways in direction of their strategic plan. Mission Statement The mission statement is short and memorable, like a catch phase. The purpose of a mission statement is to endorse the meaning of the company and associate with company business. The company main customer’s bases are individual who like to fly. The mission statement of US airways is “Fly with US”. It is very obvious that the company is an airline operator, providing travels all around the world for its valued customers. The mission state or the slogan “Fly with US” could vary with different meanings for individuals. The individual could perceive this statement in many different ways. An individual could look at US as top airline for United State . This could also mean by flying...

Words: 1312 - Pages: 6

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...sure you have a strategy? Donald C. Hambrick and James W, Fredrickson Executive Overview After more than 30 years of hard thinking about strategy, consultants and scholars have provided an abundance of /rameworks for analyzing strategic situations. Missing, however, has been any guidance as to v^hat the product of these tools should be—or virhat actually constitutes a strategy. Strategy has become a catchall term used to mean whatever one wants it to mean. Executives now talk about their "service strategy," their "branding strategy," their "acquisition strategy," or whatever kind of strategy that is on their mind at a particular moment. But strategists—whether they are CEOs of established firms, division presidents, or entrepreneurs—must have a strategy, an integrated, overarching concept of how the business will achieve its objectives. If a business must have a single, unified strategy, then it must necessarily have parts. What are those parts? We present a framework for strategy design, arguing that a strategy has five elements, providing answers to five questions—arenas: where will we be active? vehicles: how will we get there? differentiators: how will we win in the marketplace? staging: what will be our speed and sequence of moves? economic logic: how will we obtain our returns? Our article develops and illustrates these domains of choice, particularly emphasizing how essential it is that they form a unified whole. Consider these statements of strategy drawn from actual...

Words: 7729 - Pages: 31

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...Inbox My Profile What's New Help Logout Welcome Kimberly Raetano (IRN:9038043721) Home Classroom Library Program Account PhoenixConnect MMPBL/590 Materials Discussion Assignments Grades MMPBL/590 STRATEGIES FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Start Date: 01/17/2012 Print COURSE DESCRIPTION This course focuses on creating the value proposition as a driver of sustainable competitive advantage. Topics include translating key emerging trends into business opportunities; strategic challenges of global expansion; opportunities and constraints posed by regulatory change; competitor intelligence; scenario planning/planning for multiple futures; maximizing core business value; differentiating the value proposition; distribution channel development and integration; tailoring the value chain; building successful strategic alliances; and off-shoring models and approaches. Week 1 - Topic 1: Mission, Vision, and Values Objectives Distinguish between strategy and tactics. Explain the essential components of the strategic management process. Analyze the relationship among leadership, culture, stakeholder interests, and strategic outcomes. Create vision, mission, and values statements. Materials MIND MAP Mind Map Concept Outline EBOOK EBOOK COLLECTION: Chapter 1 - Pearce & Robinson. (2005). Strategic management (9th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. EBOOK COLLECTION:...

Words: 1984 - Pages: 8

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...Workshop 4 Problems Kevin Rock MBA 465 Strategic Management BSA 555 November 1, 2011 David R. Gray, Ph.D 1. Why are acquisition strategies popular in many firms competing in the global economy? Because of globalization; deregulation of multiple industries in many different economies and favorable legislation; the number and size of domestic and cross-border acquisitions continues to increase; especially from emerging economies 2. What reasons account for firms’ decisions to use acquisition strategies as a means to achieving strategic competitiveness? To increase market power; overcome entry barriers to new markets or regions; avoid costs of developing new products and increase the speed of new market entries; reduce the risk of entering a new business; become more diversified; reshape their competitive scope with different portfolio of businesses; and enhance their learning. 3. What are the seven primary problems that affect a firm’s efforts to successfully use an acquisition strategy? Difficulty of effectively integrating the firms involved; incorrectly evaluating the target firm’s value; creating debt loads that preclude adequate long-term investment; overestimating the potential for synergy; creating a firm that is too diversified; creating an internal environment in which managers devote increasing amounts of their time and energy to analyzing and completing the acquisition; developing a combined firm that is too large (thereby necessitating extensive...

Words: 449 - Pages: 2

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Strategic Management Process

...Strategic Management Process Paper Vivian Shellmire MGT 498 March 21, 2011 Eligah King Strategic Management Process Paper The global marketplace has ushered in an emergent Era of corporate citizenship. Merging corporations often create an environment within a company where different structures coexist side-by-side. The reality, parties in collaboration tend to promote cultural capital. In fact, human nature is a factoring barrier making it a difficult challenge to retain highly esteemed talent and maintain production efficiency. Corporate responsibility obligates an organization to design a plan, a strategic process that fosters open-mindedness, confidence, passion, and optimism. A strategy plan incorporating mutual company goals, a philosophical mission statement, and an expected code of conduct can ensure consistency. A responsive way to alleviate conflict among parties would be to include a framework articulating clear concise policies, procedures, and implementation which emphasize corporate values and standards. General Motors Company for example, after acquiring partnership with Opel International encountered structural challenges. Opel’s (2011) promotion states, “We are inspired by the freshness and potential of unique talents. They excite our admiration and energize our emotion that is why we team up with new and established performers and support them, in their personal endeavors and the causes they believe in.” Ironically...

Words: 549 - Pages: 3

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The Shipping Industry Accounting Team Case Study

...THE SHIPPING INDUSTRY ACCOUNTING TEAM Summary: Sarah (the name given by us) has been working in McKay, Sanderson, and Smith Associates a mid-sized accounting team located in Boston that is specialized in commercial accounting and audits for past five years. Her specialty is accounting practices for shipping companies, ranging from small to certain big fleets along east coast. About two months ago her company merged with another two other accounting firms which has offices in Miami, Seattle, Baton Rouge, and Los Angeles. They avoided centralizing their business around one office in Los Angeles. Instead they formed a new firm called Goldberg, Choo, and McKay Associates in order to leverage the synergies of their collective knowledge. This merges affected Sarah when she was told that she would be working with the other three members from the other two firms to become the firm’s new shipping industry accounting team, by her boss. The other members were Elias in Miami, Susan in Seattle, Brad in Los Angeles. She had earlier met Elias at a meeting in New York but not the other two. This shipping team activity involved e-mailing each other about new contracts and prospective clients. They were asked to submit the joint monthly statement reports and issues. Sarah submitted her own monthly reports which summarized the activities of her own clients. This coordination of monthly reports took much more time since different accounting documentation procedures across the three firms were...

Words: 1693 - Pages: 7

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Marketing Plan: Develop Short and Long Term Strategies

... These short and long term goals are what drive your business. From a planning standpoint, you must also develop short and long term strategies to reach these goals. Short term strategies revolve around cause and effect actions. You will institute an action and then measure the result. For example, if you run an ad in the paper, or send out a direct mail coupon, you can easily track your response rate. Depending on the amount of new business you generate, you can assess the effectiveness of the campaign. Most of the time, these strategies involve costly advertising, so you must be sure you are reaching your target market, as well as prompting a "call to action" from potential customers. Other examples of short term strategies are Internet websites, informational brochures, press releases, trade shows, and product samplings. All these can be used to create a cause and effect reaction from consumers. These are crucial in launching a new business as well as growing an existing one. As long as your are reaching your target market, these activities will provide an immediate return on investment. If they don't, then your overall advertising message needs to reevaluated. Long term strategies are much more subliminal in nature. They encompass all the activities that reach people in a subtle way. Networking is probably the best long term strategy you can engage in. Many people have misconceptions about networking. It is not about going to events to drum up customers. Rather it is...

Words: 471 - Pages: 2

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Diversity Awareness

...Diversity Awareness Group Assignment Adversity existed among various cultures at the Cirque du Soleil. A major factor contributing to adversity was communication that included language barriers and acculturation. Language barriers arose due to the mixture of people from thirty different countries. This increased the potential for working, training, and interacting with individuals where English was not the first language. As a result, this caused misinterpretation, frustration, and confusion. Another reason adversity existed at Cirque du Soleil was difficulty with acculturation. This can cause stress by the “process of cultural and psychological change that results following meeting between cultures” (Wikipedia 1). Acculturation can cause people to feel misunderstood and alienated from decisions in the workplace. When language barriers and acculturation are not addressed in any work environment it will eventually lead to an overall breakdown of communication and create animosity among employees. The issues that led to adversity at Cirque du Soleil affected the bottom line. Net loss was caused by a high turnover rate, too many projects at one time, dealing with internal issues, and a lack of a strategic plan. Firstly, the high turnover rate could have let to more time spent on hiring and interviewing. Adversity in a work setting could also be where more people of minorities leave their employment. Secondly, the developmental ideas were an excellent way to improve...

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