...The Five Pillars of Islam are Muslim requirements that all Muslims are required to follow. The First Pillar is the testimony of faith or also just called faith. This Pillar is also called Shahada, which is known as a simple formula which is ordered to convert Islam.. This Pillar is the belief that their is no god, but God, and Muhammad is prophet. The Second Pillar is Prayer, or also Salah is the name of this Pillar. Each prayer takes about several minutes but not longer than five minutes. Praying performs at: Dawn, noon, mid afternoon, sunset, and night. Each Muslim will pray five times a day with a special prayer mat….if at a store, they will borrow a mat from the owner. When they pray they will turn towards the city of Mecca.The prayer is: God is most great! (Say 4x) I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God! (Say 2x) Come to prayer! (Say 2x) Come to success! (Say 2x) God is most great! (Say 2x) Their is no god but God. (Say 1x)...
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...Islam Religion Stephanie Scott Professor Carmen Pai Daschke REL 212 World Religions 12/16/12 Islam Religion Today I am doing my paper over the Islamic Religion. Earlier in the semester I had some misunderstanding about the religion because I didn’t really know the religion and parts of me didn’t want to know. I knew going into this class I had to be opened minded but I wasn’t. I think it took me the whole class to build myself to where I could be open minded. The first thing I did in researching for this paper was to figure out how I wanted to get my information. I felt that I wasn’t quite to the point of actually going to a foreign service so I researched and found a man that goes by the name Yaser Birjas. Instead of emailing we spoke over the phone and it was quite an experience. I realized that I was being judgmental about the Islam Religion because I didn’t know really anything about it. During our discussion we talked about the history of the Islam Religion, the Six Articles of Faith, the 5 Pillars of Islam, and misconceptions. In speaking with Mr. Birjas about the Islam Religion he started out with a small history lesson about what the Islam Religion is about. He states that Islam is a sequel of previous religions and that there are similarities because all religions are born from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Ishmael. This was new to me, I didn’t know this about the Islam religion and I sure didn’t realize this was the beginning of learning something new. Islam...
Words: 2004 - Pages: 9
...Understanding the Teachings of Islam Devry University Abstract Even though Islam is the third largest religion practiced in the U.S., many see Islam through a distorted view that focuses on terrorists and extremists. Even though this religion teaches peace and love, because of highly publicized Islamic fundamentalists who have abused and defamed the name of Islam there are stereotypes and distrust geared towards the group. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief insight into the teachings of Islam and how those teaching promote love and peace, not war and bloodshed, in spite of the misconceptions. Understanding the Teachings of Islam Right now, Islam is a highly controversial and sensitive issue in today’s world and there are many misconceptions about its beliefs, values, and goals. The condition of Islam right now is in chaos because of the acts of terrorists and extremists. There needs to be an understanding that the religion of Islam does not portray violence and hate that most see in the media today. The religion of Islam is not very different from other highly practiced religions in the world. Many see Islam through a fallacious view that focuses on terrorists and extremists. Even though this religion teaches mercy and compassion, it has been abused by these people to change focus of the true meaning. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief insight into the teachings of Islam and how this religion is not about the violence and hate. By discussing its...
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...WORLDVIEW/RELIGION ANALYSIS PAPER Nathan Brookstone, Jr. APOL 500 26 October 2012 Introduction There are many ‘Worldviews’ regarding religion. The topic of this paper will discuss the Worldview known as Islam. Islam claims to be the only true religion, bringing the purest message of Allah and could have succeeded. This paper will contain a summary of Islam, a critique, a plan as to how Christians can share the gospel and a conclusion. Summary of the Worldview of Islam Islam, to surrender, is a worldview religion founded by Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn “Abd al Muttalib ibn Hashim; or more commonly known, Muhammad. Isalam is a religion based on one man’s vision, one man’s experience. Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is believed to be the last prophet of Allah (God). To understand Islam is to get to now its founder, Muhammad; as well as his life changing visions. Muhammad was forty years old when he experienced his first vision. It is said that Muhammad had a vision that he was visited by the angel Gabriel. In this vision Gabriel said that all the religions of the world were not only wrong and corrupted. In this vision Gabriel also said that the message of God was corrupted by man and he would be Gods messenger. Muhammad was going to receive the message from God. Muhammad was not only going to receive the message from God, but he was also going to record this message and bring it to man; to bring...
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...Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13 (Research in Contemporary Islamic Finance and Wealth Management): 98-102, 2013; ISSN 1990-9233 © IDOSI Publications, 2013 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.13.1888 The Concept and Challenges of Islamic Pawn Broking (Ar-Rahnu) 1 S. Hisham, 1S. Abdul Shukor, 1A.B. Ummi Salwa and 2Kamaruzaman Jusoff 1 Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800 Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia 2 Department of Forest Production, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Abstract: The introduction of Islamic pawn broking (Ar-Rahnu) in Malaysia is seen as a new micro credit instrument. This paper aims to provide a review on Ar-Rahnu’s concept and challenges faced by Islamic pawn shops in Malaysia. The study employs library and archive research to achieve the objectives of the paper. Islamic pawn broking consists of four basic concepts namely Qardhul Hasan, Ar-Rahnu, Al-Wadi'ah and Al-Ujrah. The Islamic pawn broking have several advantages over conventional pawn broking because it provides a cheaper way to obtain financing and is free from interest. In addition, assets pawned are guaranteed to be kept safely and there is a fair practice in auctioning and bidding. In addition, Ar-Rahnu also helps finance educational needs and provides capital to small businesses and entrepreneurs. It implies that this instrument will help the community to increase economic capability...
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...Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity: First Draft Michelle L. Murphy GCU: Spirituality in Healthcare March 16, 2014 Rev. Rick Hudock Abstract As heath care providers we need to keep mindful of the care we provide to several different religious traditions. It is up to the health care professional to respect and understand the ideals that affect our patients and their family members. In this paper we will compare the philosophies of three diverse faiths. The faiths chosen are Islam, Christian Science and Buddhism, and how they compare to Christianity. We will learn about basic beliefs, spiritual perspectives on healing, and the components of healing such as meditation, prayer and other rituals they follow. Furthermore, addressing the importance and perceptive of how to care for a patient with a different faith and cultural view. In the field of nursing we are in constant contact with patients of several different faiths. This requires an abundance of knowledge and acceptance towards multiple beliefs and religions. The philosophies of Christian Science, Buddhism and Islam compared to Christianity have significantly diverse beliefs surrounding health, illness, death and healing. From a spiritual perspective we will learn about each of these faiths. We will place focus on their beliefs on healing, meditation, rituals, prayer and their views on afterlife. We as healthcare providers need to know what is viewed with importance in their faith in order to treat the patient...
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...Jesus and Muhammad Paper Instructor: Pablo Cuadra Axia College Still alive today are the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus of Nazareth. Many lives across the world have been affected and inspired by the life and death of the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus. In their religion, both Jesus and Muhammad were considered to be the greatest prophets. Many who followed and practiced their faith still consider both of these men as leaders of their times. What is now called the Common Era, Jesus is believed to be born in Bethlehem a few years before. Mary gave birth to a miraculous son named Jesus, which is told by the New Testament. As, in the New Testament a carpenter named Joseph is said to believe that he is the father of Jesus. It was also said that Jesus followed in his footsteps and was a carpenter himself. During Jesus younger years, there is not much said about them in the New Testament. There is more said about Jesus in the New Testament when he was approximately thirty years old. Jesus had done many travels. Through his traveling Jesus started preaching to small groups of people. He also gathered many disciples and followers that listened to what he was preaching. Many people would follow him just to hear what he was preaching. Faith, forgiveness and humility are what Jesus would preach throughout his travels. He also preached about great mercy and God’s forgiveness. Through Jesus travels, while preaching the word, he also performed many miracles. He is a few of the...
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...Sunni and Sh’ia: The Branches of Islam By Kendra Craig March 5, 2010 Strayer University Abstract The paper is focused on Sunni and Sh’ia, which are two branches of Islam. The paper will compare the different religious belief that is practiced throughout Islam. It will also show the laws and the cultures of each religious branch. The paper will show the major dispute that caused separation of these religions in Islam. Sunni and Sh’ia Sunni and Sh’ia are two of the most dominate cultures in Islam. In my research, I learned that these two branches were among the worst enemies of the Islamic culture. In this paper I will show the differences in the belief of each religious group. I will also show the division within the Islamic community between these groups. Sunni Muslims are individuals that were firm believers in the prophet Muhammad. The words that were spoken through Muhammad influenced and provided them with strong religious belief. Sunni means “customary practices” (Macmillan Reference USA 2001-2006) which referred to the teaching and preaching of Muhammad. The Sh’ia Muslims are individuals that believe that the political leader position should have gone to Ali (Penay). Sh’ia means “group” or faction”. After the death of Muhammad is when things began to turn for the worst between these communities. The main belief of the Sunni Muslims was those that came after Muhammad were true believers of Muhammad teachings. This allowed them to become comfortable with...
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...Religious Principles at AUI Done by: Elias-Crespo Molato Omar Badaoui Abd Errahmane Morchid SSK1202 Spring 2008 Instructor’s Name: Mrs.Monica Sturgess Abstract The main objective of this research study is to find out the level of commitment of AUI students toward their religion. It had been revealed after going through the literature review that the main reasons that push students to ignore their religion can be related to the political regime that the government is approaching which combines religion with modernity, parents that don’t want to put pressure on their children, and the lack of connecting religion with the public schools curriculum. In order to get a relevant research, we have used both qualitative and quantitative methods. We have formed a survey and handed 70 copies to AUI students, Moroccan and exchange ones. Moreover, we have accomplished a meeting with the Imam of the mosque in order to use his experience to enhance our research. The result section showed that students at AUI have interest in their faith; however, since they are strained by studies, they don’t give much time to religion pursuits. These results have helped us to comprise a clear comprehension of the main aspects of this topic, as well as to correct some of the wrong images that we used to have toward AUI students like the lack of praying and interest to religion. Introduction Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane is a Moroccan University that is based on the...
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...Catholicism and the World Nichole L. Lombardi Axia College of University of Phoenix Catholicism and the World I have never been a person of faith, so this paper was intended to further my understanding of Catholicism, how it works, and how it compares to one of the fastest growing religions in the world, Islam. I have known of the existence of Catholicism for many years, but the usual things I have heard about it have been the negatives involving scandals with the clergy or some other important announcement from the Pope. This paper is intended to give both me and the reader a greater understanding of what the catholic faith is and how it relates to Islam, as well as describing some of the practices involved in these faiths. I have completed an interview with a practicing Catholic in order to facilitate my understanding. What I learned in this interview will be revealed later in this paper. By the end of this paper, I hope to have a better understanding of what it means to be a Catholic or a Muslim. Most importantly, I hope to truly understand what causes people to believe the things they believe and embrace religion. The Catholic Church is one of the oldest of religions and claims to be the original form of Christianity. The teachings and practices of Catholicism are believed to be handed down from Jesus Christ himself directly to the 12 apostles. The Catholic Church has enjoyed a very colorful history that includes the Crusades, the great Catechism, and more recently...
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...AMOUNT TO THE EIGHT BENEFICIARIES BASED ON FOUR PHASES (4 FASA) Lecturer’s Name: ASSOC. PROF. DR. SITI NORMALA SHEIKH OBID Prepared By: ABDUL HADI BIN MOHAMAD, 0813783 MUHAMMAD AZFAR BIN KAMAR RUDDIN, 0811067 MOHD. ZAE’EM KHAN BIN MOHAMAD AZLAN, 0621747 Section No: 1 ABSTRACT This paper aims to study the distribution of zakat during the Prophet, companion, khalifah and contemporary time, and examine the priority among eight asnaf in distributing the zakat amount. The study was conducted by analyzing secondary data including books, journal, and article. The study revealed that effective and efficient of zakat administration including method and ways of distribution of zakat become important indicator on the successful Islamic era. Misused of zakat fund had leaded previous khalifah reign stumble. (Keyword: Prophet, khalifah, companion, contemporary time, zakat administration, eight asnaf) TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENT | PAGE | Chapter 1: Introduction | | 1.1 Study of Background | | 1.2 Research Questions | | 1.3 Research Objectives | | Chapter 2: Literature Review | | Chapter 3: Methodology | | Chapter 4: Findings and Discussions | | Chapter 5: Conclusion | | 5.1 Summary and Implications | | 5.2 Limitations | | References | | CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 STUDY BACKGROUND Zakat literally means growth and purification. According to Nur Barizah (2011), zakat can be defined as the amount of money or kind taken from specific...
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...Religion Research MSB Religion Research Islam is one of the world’s largest religions with estimates of around 1.6 billion practitioners worldwide. (The Future of the Global Muslim Population, 2011, para. 1) The Islam religion is a monotheistic religion that actually shares some of the same beliefs and even texts as Christianity and Judaism. Even though Islam is considered by many to be the religion of terrorists the actual religious texts preach kindness and compassion to all creatures of the earth. The main tenants of the religion are the five pillars of Islam which include, (1) Testimony of faith; saying with conviction “there is no true god but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger”. (2) Prayer; all Muslims are required to pray toward Mecca five times a day. (3) Giving to the needy. (4) Fasting; Muslims are required to fast during the holy month of Ramadan from sunrise till sunset unless medically unable or traveling soldiers engaged in war are also exempt. (5) Pilgrimage; any Muslim who is physically and financially is obligated to make the pilgrimage or Hajj to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. (A Brief Guide to Understanding Islam website, n.d., Chapter 3) The biggest belief of the Muslim religion is that there is only one God, this is the one major point of contention that it has with Christianity. Muslims acknowledge Jesus as being a great profit and even acknowledge his birth to the Virgin Mary but deny that he is the son of God because if this were true...
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...APOLOGETICS APPLICATION PAPER Glenda Campbell APOL 500 July 4, 2014 Outline Introduction 1. Summary of the Islamic worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Evaluating the Islamic Worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. Correcting the Islamic Worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4. Defending the Christian Worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Apologetics Application Paper Introduction According to Brown, people everywhere filter what they read and hear through the grid of their own worldview. We all see the world different and the assumptions and prejudices that have about the world have an effect on how we regard the world. The Christian worldview and the Islamic worldview are similar, but they are different in many ways. But, what is a worldview? The ways a person views and understands the world have an effect on everyone. Sire defines a worldview as "a set of presuppositions (or assumptions) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously)...
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...The Controversy and The Practice of Islam Hanane Saoui SOC 350 Cultural Diversity in Professions Professor Carolyn Sawtell February 23, 2014 Islam is practiced around the globe, not only in the Middle East or by Arabs “One in every five people worldwide is a Muslim, some 1.3 billion believers. Islam is the world's fastest growing religion and it has spread across the globe.”(Handwerk, 2003). So, the fact that a very large number of followers of Islam around the world are from different races, ethnicities, and cultural background makes this topic important to the study of cultural diversity. This research aims at understanding the importance of Islam in many cultures in which the Islam is shaped or it shapes the cultures in many Muslim countries. It also aim at discussing the teachings of Islam and also to analyze how these teachings are interpreted and practiced in many Muslim countries including the middle east, in the United States, in the Great Britain, and the Asian countries represented by Indonesia. It will also be discuss how Islam is understood in each of those countries’ culture, what similarities and differences are between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism and how the cultures are impacted from the Islamic teachings in different countries. And last but not least, it will discuss the importance of the topic of Islam in the cultural diversity. Islam (2001). Islam, one of the world’s great monotheistic religions, was founded (or restored) by the Prophet Muhammad...
Words: 5034 - Pages: 21
...Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) Vol.5, No.4, 2014 www.iiste.org Development of Accounting Theory Based on Islamic Teachings: A Glance over Principle of Al-Adl and Al-Ihsan Shaukat Amer1* Sofri Bin Yahya2 1- COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Kamra Road, Attock, Pakistan. 2- Dean, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia *E-mail of the corresponding author: shaukat_amer@comsats.edu.pk Abstract The beauty of accounting based on Islamic principles is that it not only deals with the valuation but also deals with an inbuilt accountability mechanism. Generally the accounting should be able to perform roles like keeping safe custody of interests, certifying true and fair view of business, enabling accountability and providing reliable information for successful decision making to all the stakeholders. In this context there are three main issues with respect to present system of setting accounting standards. These are undue pressures of certain groups in setting these standards, no role of owners in setting these standards, and flexibility/discretion in applying these standards which may lead to subjectivity. These may results in incorrect valuation of business transactions, increasing management discretion which in return will increase corporate governance issues including incorrect financial reporting, earning management and limiting decision making ability of the stakeholders. In order to...
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