...an estimated 46 million in 1995, but given the uncertainty of the data, that number could be as low as 42 million or as high as 50 million. About 35 in every 1,000 women aged 15-44 have an abortion each year.(6) Other third world countries are unfortunately too poor to carry out safe and legal abortions. That cause the rate of unsafe and illegal procedures for abortions to increase due to those countries having the least access to them. About twenty million unsafe or illegal abortion procedures are provided each year. Others do not even dare get an abortion in those countries due to it being unsafe....
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...The Man Who Hugged Woman by Mischa Hiller Relationships can be based on a variety of backgrounds and emotions. Some are based on true love while others are less romantic and based more out of practical matters. These relationships can provide comfort and security if the two parties are approaching the relationship with the same expectations. But if ones approach is different from the other then the relation ship will often seem and feel crooked and result in a unhealthy and unsustainable relationship. This is exactly what Mischa Hiller is trying to describe in her short story “The Man Who Hugged Woman”. The short story tells the story of two middle aged woman who both feels an absence of love and comfort and tries to solve it by consulting a man who specializes in the act of comforting woman just by hugging them. The main character of the story is the mature woman Freya. Even though the story is told in a 3rd person perspective we still knows her feelings and here personal background story. She is around her 40´s or 50´s and married to the psychiatrist Mukesh. Together with Mukesh she has a daughter who goes to the university. Freya is volunteering as a secretary at the local school and it is therefore clear that Mukesh is the main income in the small family. Mukesh also seems to be the one in control of the family for instantly (p.10 line 115) “Freya had once suggested to Mukesh that Rita might be better off doing something else other than going to university but had...
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...78 1. Briefly summarize and respond in any way to the piece. 50-75 words (approximately!) Not so long ago, many American men in their 20’s had achieved the milestones of their adulthood, but men these days aren’t reaching the same level of achievement. It’s time to state what’s becoming the obvious frustration in women because of the “man.” The radical reversal of the sexual hierarchy is that it makes males and females in pre-adulthood something new. As 34% now have a bachelor’s degree, only 27% of men do. Woman don’t feel the need to rely on men as much anymore even though some people don’t believe woman are on the same level as men. 2. Rhetorically analyze the piece. Identify the writer's use of the persuasive appeals, if evident. If not, discuss why you think that. 25-50 words This article overall was mainly based on logos. There was a lot of persuasion with statistics, picture of bar graphs, and scientific reasoning. There wasn’t more obvious information besides the information given. 3. Follow the directions on pg. 70-71 of your text in the area called "An Issue Question and Working Thesis Statements." Create an "issue question, your claim with reasons, and an opposing claim with reasons. Are women as equal as men in today’s generation? Claim: Woman are as equal as men in today’s generation. * because they have the same position as men in the house * because they do the same jobs as men Issue: Woman are not as equal as men in today’s generation...
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...for individuals living alone. Think also of the working woman phenomenon. What does that mean in the long run for businesses? From the point of view of the couples with no children, the businesses can target this segment with luxury and stylish goods. Goods of conspicuous consumption will have acceptance in this segment. Stylish products and products that made a statement about the affluence of the persons using it should be targeted at this segment. Moreover, the businesses that are targeting this segment should position their brands as premium. The promotion communication should stress on images luxury and opulence. New products in these segments have potential for high profitability. The working woman phenomenon means that products targeted at the working woman like clothes, cosmetics and cars for women have good potential. In addition, as she can spend less time at home, there is market for products like instant food products and day-care for children. 2. What is the significance of the fact that two of three of the married couples with no children at home are over 50? What market opportunities does that create? This means that this market segment has high disposable income but is aged. This means that the products must be designed for people that are old and feeble. Products may also be targeted at persons have geriatric diseases like arthritis. Products that are modified or adapted for use by those with age above 50 will get an excellent response from this segment. Opportunities...
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...Should Abortion be legal? Nearly half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about four in ten of these are terminated by abortion. In 1973 Roe V. Wade decision, the supreme Court ruled that women, in consultation with their physician, have a constitutionally protected right to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. Abortion is a very serious and dangerous thing to decide 50% of women who have had abortions report experiencing emotion and psychological problems lasting for months or years. Only 12% women reported having a physical problem with their health among having an abortion like an infection called hemorrhage and uterine perforation. My personal experience having an abortion is when my mom had one in 2000. She said that she was not ready to raise other child at this moment in her life, because she just moved to North Carolina and was looking for a job. She felt no guilt about what she has done she thought it was the right thing to do at this point in her life. Most people would argue that abortion is not only wrong, but it is murder to an innocent child with no fault of its own. The first reason that abortion should be illegal because it is murder! For example, the fetus is a distinct individual therefore its DNA is completely its own while the baby is in the womb the baby will show definite signs of emotion. I think that when a human egg and a human sperm meet, the resulting individual is simply human. The number of American babies killed...
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...point across, so I choose sexual harassment towards women in the workplace. Is there still sexual harassment with woman? What constitutes sexual harassment? How is sexual harassment towards women different between now and 50 years ago? These are the questions I hope to ask and hopefully answer throughout this paper. What constitutes sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexually determined behavior as physical contact and advances, sexually colored remarks, showing pornography and sexual demands, whether by words or actions. Such conduct can be humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problem; it is discriminatory when the woman has reasonable ground to believe that her objection would disadvantage her in connection with her employment, including recruitment or promotion, or when it creates a hostile working environment. With this it is also considered to be that submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. Is there still sexual harassment with woman? In the article “SEXUAL HARASSMENT VERSUS WORKPLACE ROMANCE: SOCIAL MEDIA SPILLOVER AND TEXTUAL HARASSMENT IN THE...
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...and all the stages of the sports participation pyramid I am going to explain the barriers to participation from 3 different target groups at each stage of the sport development pyramid. My 3 target groups are Over 50s, Women and Young people. Over 50s is a target group because there is more over 50s playing sport now than ever before, this is because people are living longer and wish to keep fit and active. Young people is a target group because if people can get young kids active and give them a chance to do sport at a young age then it is more likely that they will carry on with sport and go up through the sports participation pyramid. Women is a target group because although traditionally women participate less in sport, the number of women in sport has gone up in the past few years. From 2005 to 2008 the overall women participating in sport went up from 2.57 Million to 2.81 Million (12.3% increase). Also more women are playing male dominated sport like Rugby and Football. Target group 1 – Over 50s At the foundation stage for Over 50s there is not any facility’s that will teach the basic skills for a sport. For most sports such as Crown green Bowling participants will go straight into the participation stage. In the participation stage for Over 50s a barrier would be cost of travel. If a person cannot drive then the cost of the buss maybe too much and if it is too far to walk the participant may have to stop playing that sport. Also the cost of membership could...
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...As a citizen, to be represented in American government means to have a say in politics. Without representation, America is not truly for the people or by the people. Women are atleast half of the population in America and to never have a woman President shows that it is time for a change for the better. As children, girls need to see women in all occupations so they can grow up knowing they can truly be anything they want to be. The United States are called united for a reason. All the states are together, working as one country. Although wished for, women and men are not united on the side of politics. Nearly 50 countries have had a female as a leader in their history, yet America is not one. Although a President should not be chosen...
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...Should Abortion be legal? 2 Should abortion be legal? What is abortion and who does it affect? An abortion is to terminate a pregnancy by removal of the fetus . The woman is affected by it because it’s her body that this method is performed on. There are millions of abortions done every year, and 95% are done illegally in the United States of America. There are different methods a woman can do to have an abortion done. Some of the methods are taking the” Morning after Pill”. This method will make the woman have a miscarriage within 48 hours. Another method is to have a surgery to remove the baby or fetus. This method gives you up to 22 weeks to have an abortion. The first reason why women have abortions is the mother is in a life threating position. The doctors are the ones who can say if its life threating or if the mother and baby can make it together. About 90% of women who are in life threating situation do not want to live, but they want the baby to make it. The life threating situation is because if the mother can be n a suicide watch and trying to kill the baby and herself. What if the woman fell into a coma while she is pregnant? How would the baby survive, if the mother is not eating and getting the right vitamins that she need for the baby. Sometimes you have to think about the good and the bad in some situations. The second reason women have abortions...
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...not ready to support and raise a baby and see this as a way out, though someone can have empathy when a woman becomes unexpectedly pregnant, and having an abortion performed is not the right answer. Abortion became legal because of Supreme Court cases of Doe vs. Boston, and Roe vs. Wade. On average, there are 4,000 babies are murdered by abortions daily, which amounts to 1.4 million babies a year (Bilmore,1). People are unaware of what goes along with receiving an abortion. In the first trimester, the mother must go to a special clinic for an abortion. A doctor will then do a complete exam on the mother to see how far along the pregnancy is. The woman is given a form of local anesthetic following that, an instrument, called the dilator, dilates the cervix. A cannula, which will be connected to a suction machine, is moved around the uterine walls which then removes the fetus and uterine lining. When a woman completes the first trimester she then starts the second trimester of pregnancy, month four to month 6 of pregnancy, the abortion procedure can be the same as a first trimester abortion. The difference is the cervix must be dilated more which is known as Dilation and Curettage. Between 16 and 24 weeks, the procedure is more severe and painstaking. A saline or prostaglandin abortion will be performed. A needle is inserted through the abdomen, and some of the abdominal fluid is drawn out. This induces labor and the woman will be given Pitocin, an oxytocin injection, to begin...
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...the narrators life and has him doing things he never thought he would do. Both the narrator and Tyler bond over the fact that both their fathers were not major factors in their lives. The narrator says “ Me, I knew my dad for about six years, but I don’t remember anything”(50). Tyler goes to say that his father was distant and he would only speak to him once a year. Being raised mainly by woman, they both feel they never had a man around to teach them what being a man is. Tyler and the narrator and the generation of men they represent have been trying for years to regain their masculinity and at the same time find a sense of direction. At the support group for men with testicular cancer the narrator meets Bob. Bob later enters fight club and shows he is one of the better fighters that is there. He is seen as a “true man” for his physical abilities. Later on in the book Bob also joins Tyler’s Project Mayhem. While on a mission for Project Mayhem Bob is killed. “His name is Robert Paulson”(178) becomes some kind of chant for the other members of project mayhem. The narrator, Tyler and the rest of the members of fight club and project mayhem claim to be angry because of the way they were raised by woman and emasculated, they come to admire a man who literally has been...
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...Blind Leading the Blind In MacBeth, Shakespeare writes about a greedy, power-hungry man who murders the king to fulfill his selfish desires. MacBeth was one of King’s Duncan’s noblemen and honorable general. However, after he is claimed as the Thane of Cawdor and Glamis, he believes a prophecy by three witches that he will become King and, along with his wife, decides to murder King Duncan in an attempt to gain more power. Although MacBeth grew uncertain about going through with the assassination, his wife, Lady MacBeth, manipulates and deceives him to follow through. As a king, he becomes a tyrant and starts to kill anyone who he felt threatened his position on the throne, including one of his good friends, Banquo and the family of MacDuff. Throughout his reign, the MacBeth’s guilty consciences take a toll on them and eventually lead to both of their downfall. Furthermore, MacBeth’s reign does not last long when MacDuff gets revenge against the tormentor by killing him in the end. As a result, King Duncan’s son, Malcolm, becomes king. Through the use of symbolism and characterization, William Shakespeare, in MacBeth, depicts how one’s desire to gain power causes others to change gender roles to create deception within an environment. In MacBeth, MacBeth’s horrific murders proved how strongly he desired to gain power. Desire means to have a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. When a person desires something, he or she becomes...
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...John Fawell discusses the way femininity and fashion play a significant role in the creation of Alfred Hitchcock’s films. Fawell states that Hitchcock’s “works are characterized by a fascination with women, with their charm, their sophistication, their maturity, their wisdom” (277). This is especially compelling in the way that Hitchcock often treated his actresses on the sets of his films. It seems that Hitchcock is very fascinated with the feminine traits of women and women’s fashion in general. However, as it was stated in the article, Hitchcock often wanted to change his actresses’ techniques and ways in order to show a more human side to them. This fascination with women is shown in the female characters of the film such as Lisa Fremont, and Miss Torso. He often casts them as sexual objects, with Miss Torso’s outfits and dancing...
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...Love is life’s mystery that everyone wants to experience. The love song, “When a Man Loves a Woman” (1966), by Percy Sledge can just about sum up being in love and the many ups and downs in less than three minutes. The woman’s love is all he needs but she can break him and “play him for a fool” and “he’s the last one to know”. This kind of love is near slavery in the control that the woman holds over the man. The line, “She can do no wrong” proves that the man is blinded by his love. Love hurts, especially when it is one-sided. There are no limits of what a man would do when he loves a woman. When Sledge wrote this song if he was not in love at the time he definitely knew what it was like to be ruled by love for a woman. The pain that you can hear in his voice tells it all. He has been there and that love was right in-between heaven and hell. “Maybe I’m Amazed” (1970), by Paul McCartney is a very simple love song with lyrics that hold a lot of meaning. McCartney’s approach to love in this song is humble and naturally, amazed. He is shocked that a woman can have such an affect on him and that she can love him so much when he is, as all humans are, far from perfect. Every now and then he shifts from Rufe 2 “maybe I’m amazed” to “maybe I’m afraid” because it is all too true that love is scary. He expresses an extreme dependence on the woman he loves when he says, “maybe I’m amazed at the way I really...
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...The Catholic View on Abortion Inside of the Catholic religion, there are many religious views that one should follow. One of the main religious views throughout the Catholic Church is being against abortion. The Catholic Church opposed all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy an embryo, blastocyst, zygote or fetus, since it holds that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception”. Catholics are against murder and according to the Ten Commandments, it states “thou shall not murder” and they believe that destroying any type of human life is a huge sin. They believe that God has given precious life to grow inside of a woman and it must not be aborted. In the bible in the book of Jeremiah 1:5, it states, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” (Souls, 1) From the first moment of the unborn child’s existence, they have their rights as a person and it is wrong to take an innocent persons life. From that bible verse, it proves to Catholics the reason as to why abortion should not be done in all stages. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is often called a miscarriage. It can also be purposely caused in which case it is known as an induced abortion. The term abortion most commonly refers...
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