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54th Documentary Analysis

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As many know, documentaries state the facts of a historical event, usually not as biased as movies. Movies typically depict a more modernized version of historical events and will make the facts more fun to learn sometimes, softening the blow of a lot of tragic events. Documentaries will usually just give you the straight-up facts, no way of softening the blow. Documentaries may be boring to some. While movies and documentaries are pretty different, the movie and the documentary we watched in class had many similarities as well. One of the main similarities between the movie and the documentary was the way the bodies were disposed of in the end. In both the movie and the documentary, many men of the 54th died tragically, fighting for their …show more content…
This pay was reduced to only $10 once the war had started, while the white soldiers still received a monthly pay of $13. This was pictured in both the documentary and the movie, proving this an important similarity between the two. While the movie and the documentary did have some similarities, there were differences as well. One of these differences, for example, was that the men of the 54th were described as professional workers in the documentary. The movie illustrated these men as hard workers like pharmacists, doctors, printers, and engineers. On the other hand, in the movie, the majority of the men in the regiment were freed slaves. Many were illiterate in the movie, while in the documentary, the literacy rate of the regiment was quite high. Another difference between the movie and the documentary was who took the flag after Shaw was knocked down. As depicted in the movie, Trip was the one who ended up taking the flag and carrying it through battle. In the documentary, though, we know that it was William Carney who took up that honor. William Carney was the first African American Medal of Honor winner and this flag-bearing situation was part of the reason he won the

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