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How Do Latino Students Struggle With Anxiety

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Pages 11
Did you know that Latino students are the ones who struggle with anxiety the most? While there are a lot of students who struggle with anxiety, especially Latino/a students, they tend to struggle the most due to holding onto old family concepts and avoiding the problems and the help they receive, and in some cases having to be a first generation student and struggle with getting comfortable in a new environment. This paper will demonstrate that the biggest factor in Latinos struggling with anxiety is family and avoiding the problems that they have and the help that they receive. The solution that I would propose would be to require schools that have a significant number of Latino students to form groups during and after school where they can open up about their problems. Making sure that Latino …show more content…
You hold on to family like nothing else and grow up with the idea that family is always going to be there for you. Holding onto old family traditions and concepts is what matters most; if your family is not doing something, then you should not do it either. When it comes to having mental health issues, in the eyes of Latino families, you cannot have them, as you are seen as weak. They believe that it is just a bluff for you to be weak and not be able to do stuff by yourself. Latino students struggle with anxiety because of how unfamiliar they are with problems like mental health issues due to not being educated enough by their parents on that. Tend to struggle with getting used to new environments that they are not used to. Especially for those first-generation students, who tend to learn everything on their own because their parents are immigrants. Having to do it by yourself, compared to second-generation students who tend to have their older brother or sister helping their way into the scholarly

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