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600 Ce Continuities

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Analyze the continuities and changes over time in the cultural climate of Western Europe between 600 CE and 1600 CE.

While I Analyzed the cultural climate of Western Europe between 600 CE and 1600 CE, I noticed many continuities and changes. For example, there was the continuity of religion being Christianity and how it stays the same. I also noticed changes including cultural and economic. Some examples of these changes can include new inventions and being opened up due to events happening during this time period.

Through the time periods of 600 CE and 1600 CE in Western Europe, one of the many continuities that happened includes religion. During this time Western Europe used Christianity as the central religion and it was used for the majority …show more content…
One of these changes is culture. Culture is changing because of new things being brought in and art being used more throughout Europe. Some examples of the culture shift include Europe starting to innovate new inventions and discovering new scientific data and art being introduced through a series of events. One of these events is the Crusade. The Crusades led to new innovations and discoveries because after losing the wars it led to Europe being able to open up and have cultural diffusion and experience the golden ages of surrounding places. This is important because before the Renaissance Europe was cut off from all the other golden ages going around, leading to Europe being very behind in power and wealth. Cultural diffusion aloud for all of the smartest people to come around and join in the school of Athens and communicate about things. This leads to Europe growing and being the strongest it's ever been. Another thing during this time period that developed Europe's culture was the Renaissance. The Renaissance led to cultural developments and improvements because it was during a time period of prosperity for Europe. The reason why it was so prosperous during this time period is because of the after effects of the Crusades. The Renaissance also led to art being used and bought more meaning, that there was something of value in Europe that holds meaning. This means that Europe's culture was shifting …show more content…
The economics was influenced because during this time the Islamic community was in a very strong state considering they were in a golden age of their own. This is important because right after Christianity splits, Western Europe joins back with the Orthodox Christians to reconquer the holy land that Islam was preserving. These wars ultimately lead to Islam winning. The reason why the Christians wanted to win this land back was because they believed that the Muslims were getting too strong and were going to conquer the Christians as well. This is why the Christians decided to regroup and fight the Islamic people. This wasn’t a bad thing though because these fights opened up Western Europe’s trade and allowed for cultural diffusion to happen. These new trade systems allowed for Christianity to use different areas of golden age resources, this even included Islam with the Abbasid dynasty. This allowed for Europe to become very powerful and wealthy because of all the trade and economic advancements that were happening throughout. The Crusades not only opened up trade systems and routes, meaning that Europe would become much richer, but it also had cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion relates to the idea of economic change because it lets other people's ideas influence Europe and how their currency and trading develops since the areas Europe is

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