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Who Is Abigail Williams Guilty In The Crucible

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After reading the first three acts of Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, one may conclude that the proceedings in Salem are the fault of Abigail Williams. Although some may blame John Proctor for the proceedings in Salem, in fact it is Abigail Williams to blame because Abigail was often lying or changing her story, she performs acts of witchery to end Elizabeth Proctor, and she falsely accuses others of witchery to take the attention off herself.

Throughout the text, Abigail is constantly bending the truth to her own advantage. One of many examples of Abigail lying is when she is talking to her uncle Reverend Parris and says, “We did dance, uncle, and when you leaped out of the bush so suddenly, Betty was frightened and then she fainted. And there’s the whole of it” (Miller 9). She claims the story she told her uncle is the whole truth, but the audience knows that she drank blood because she thought it would help her end, Goody Proctor. Throughout the text, Abigail is constantly bending the truth to her own advantage. Abigail Williams is constantly lying to others or altering the truth to make sure her name is clear or to get her way. …show more content…
In the play, it explains how Abigail drank a charm, meaning she drank blood in hopes to kill Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail previously had an affair with John Proctor and fell in love with him. Abigail was the Proctors housemaid until Goody Proctor found out about the affair and fired Abigail so she can no longer see John Proctor, this is why she wants Elizabeth Proctor dead. As Abigail and John are talking alone, she says, “No, this is your pleading, your sniveling, envious wife!” (Miller 142). This emphasizes Abigail's true hatred for Elizabeth Proctor and how she wants her gone so she can have John

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