...playwright, Arthur Miller. Respect and reputation is a widely dispersed theme throughout The Crucible. Its many different occurrences that are displayed from start to finish of this play, make this specific theme one of the most important. In The Crucible, the idea of one’s reputation and their social standings swayed the thoughts and actions of many individuals. When the witchcraft accusation was brought about in Salem, “it was the ideas of reputation that determined whether or not the accused individuals were actually guilty of the crime.” (Shoop Editorial Team). One of the occasions that the theme of reputation took place was in the very beginning of the play. In act 1, when Reverend Parris caught his daughter Betty and his niece Abigail dancing in the woods, he was worried about what the other people in the town were going to think. He was anxious to discover what the people of Salem were going to say about him when they discovered that his daughter and niece might have possibly been performing acts of witchcraft. This is proven when he said, “Now look you, child, your punishment will come in its time. But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it.”(The Crucible. Act 1. Scene 1.) Parris was also worried that the people who already disliked him were going to ruin his name further. His thoughts of action were to control the rumors to save himself. Doing so, he tried to get Abigail to admit playing...
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...Crucible Essay John Proctor, remains an honest and honorable man. He has a great deal of integrity. He believes in always doing the right thing or standing up for what is right. With John’s personality he was able to make a name for himself by gaining respect from others. In The Crucible, John Proctor, is able to escape if he signs his name on a document saying he is an ally of the devil; the document would be hung up in the church. He found it difficult to lie, “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies!” (IV 284-294) He is unwilling to go against his principles and integrity just to be a free man. Reverend Parris, a minster of Salem also Abigail’s uncle. He is known very well throughout...
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...Miller’s Genius Writing Tactics Judgment— it is a part of human nature to judge others based on our initial impressions or what may have been heard about that person. Once these impressions are implanted in the brain, they are incredibly difficult to overcome or change. This happens in books as well; there are certain characters one might hate and others one might love. In The Crucible, most readers aggressively hate Abigail from the beginning. Arthur Miller ensures this happens by utilizing the stage direction, Abigail’s actions and dialogue with others, and other’s actions towards Abigail to give off the impression that Abigail is vindictive from page one. Arthur Miller purposely portrayed Abigail as vindictive by how he wrote the stage...
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...that the idea of intense, selfish desire is used as a powerful theme personified by many of the characters in his work, the Crucible. However, it’s regularly overlooked as a material issue rather than its deeper meaning. For Abigail Williams, Thomas Putnam, and Reverend Parris, greed is a testament of what ails them at heart. Abigail Williams, the play’s obsessively lovestruck antagonist, has the conscience a psychopath, doing whatever it takes to hold onto one thing -- her brief affair with John Proctor. Abigail’s motivations for greed are often left there but when her last resort is an attempt to have Elizabeth killed for witchcraft, it reveals what’s in her heart. “I will not, I cannot! You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet.” (Miller 24). She confesses that she can’t let go and it’s...
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...The Crucible by Arthur Miller Form and Structure In The Crucible all the events flow smoothly from one act to the next. Everything happens naturally from the natures of the characters. The fact that the story isn't contrived, and even more that it is based on a true story is interesting. The result is a very believable play. Throughout each act the action rises to a crescendo and comes to a dramatic climax at the end, and thus ensuring the audience or reader of the play is gripped by the story throughout the whole play. The incident begins with the girls dancing in the forest and soon escalates into a huge witch hunt. There is sufficient conflict to keep the reader or audience member's interest aroused. There is a great deal of of tension and suspense in the story. It essentially covers basic human instincts and qualities. It depicts the human necessity for survival, and the lengths at which a person will go to save his life, and also the treacherous nature of many. There is also the idea of honor and truth. Proctor tries to keep his reputation but gives it up to reveal the truth. Through his struggle he achieves righteousness. All these things keep the plot moving. Proctor's relationship with Elizabeth can be seen to grow and mature. He continually grows more pure in Elizabeth's sight until she is able to forgive him in act four. Proctor character also attains a kind of moral supermeminence - He does not want to get involved in the court proceedings...
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...Behaviours and actions sometimes have undisclosed meanings that lead one to think they will attain some sort of advantage over someone else. These kind of ulterior motives may come about from fear or jealousy and often can result in negative consequences. In 1962 a witch hunt in the town of Salem was held. In The Crucible, Parris feels like he needs to be in control and tries to maintain a moral order. Abigail is a young girl longing for a relationship with a married man named Proctor. Miller demonstrates that ulterior motives can lead to the destruction of relationships and even the demise of a community shown through Parris’ need for a positive reputation and Abigail’s mischief against Elizabeth Proctor. Firstly, Miller exposes the...
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...How does a reputation influence the actions of an individual? Is it more important to uphold the truth or keep a good name? In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible there is a constant struggle between the up keep of a reputation and staying truthful. Some characters, like Abigail William, are motivated by fear to keep up a good reputation, while other characters like John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse decide that the truth is more important than their name and stick to their morals. There are many factors that move Abigail to lie about her relations with John Proctor. She fears what would happen to her if the town finds out that she is not only an adulterer, but a liar as well. Because Abigail has given “evidence” to hang so many people, if she is a...
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...“Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own” (Luke 12:15). When people are overcome by greed, they do whatever they can to get what they want. Often times, this is because they feel the need to benefit even if it causes someone else to suffer. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, tells an interesting story that revolves around the theme of greed. A couple of the characters in this play, Reverend Parris and Thomas Putnam, are good examples of how Miller portrayed greed throughout this story. The first of these characters affected by greed was Reverend Parris. In Act 1, Parris is standing over his daughter’s sickbed. As a reader, you soon realize that Parris doesn't care about his sick daughter as much...
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...The devil is not the only thing to fear. When rumors of witchcraft start to take over Salem, religious leaders begin to use their power in questionable ways. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the contrast between Reverend Hale's reasoned faith and Reverend Parris’ fearful authoritarian approach to religious thought reflects how personal motivations shape one’s interpretation of religious power. Reverend Hale practices his faith through a reasoned lens, seeking to understand the truth about witchcraft, and uses his power as a religious figure in an attempt to serve religious justice to protect the townspeople. First, when Reverend Hale is introduced, the stage directions characterize him as a man whose “goal is light goodness and its preservation, and he...
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...“It easy to talk on religion, but difficult to practice it” (BrainyQuote 1). God and religion are things which individuals often depend on for a lifestyle guide. Back in the day, people believed religion was the reason behind their ill health, well-being, and even unnatural causes. There was always a higher power which kept everything in order and control, or else the world was thought to be chaotic. Religion is something that was essential in one’s life and unfortunately some people began to take advantage of that idea, such as Reverend Parris in “The Crucible.” Reverend Parris, the Prime Minister of Salem used God to give himself more power and was willing to do anything in order to maintain his status in society, which didn’t portray such...
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...with pain and fear and it is regarded as a basic human instinct. People often use self-preservation to protect their image and reputation in society, thus potentially having to lie and hurt someone else’s status in the process. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, many characters demonstrate self-preservation to avoid the consequences of their own actions. This results in prolonging the witch trials in the town of Salem, causing the destruction of the community. Reverend Samuel Parris is a prime example of a character that uses self-preservation throughout the play to maintain his high position in society. When he realizes that his daughter Betty and his niece Abigail danced in the woods and potentially performed witchcraft, he knows it can hurt his reputation to be associated with them, especially if the rumours of their blasphemous actions are proven to be true. In act one Parris speaks with Abigail and says, “I have fought here three long years to bend these stiff necked people to me, and now, just now when some good respect is rising for me in the parish, you compromise my very character" (Miller 11). The townsfolk already question his values and see him as an unfit minister for the town. Parris is afraid that the actions of his rebellious daughter and niece will destroy the name he has worked to build over the years and thus give the community a reason to drive him out of the ministry. Accusations on innocent people are soon made and the witch trials proceed. Giles Corey...
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...of the idea, (…) with thought always referencing something superior.”(Berkes-Nemes) Several genre films have been made which themes are interwoven with the Second World War: from this vast historical material, romantic films, historical dramas, crime films and even comedies have been made, but the opus titled Captain America: The First Avenger (Johnston, 2011) does more than any other of its companions: the story of the film adapted from comic shows more than an American hero can defeat everybody if it is about his country; in the meantime it does something that cinema has yet to endeavor: it elevates Hitler’s Germany to the level of miracles. It achieves this by putting a number of fantastic plot threads apart from the classic hero-rising story into the main plotline: the enemy of Captain America is a group called Hydra, who are in possession of an ancient material of vast magical capabilities, which is not only stronger than Hitler, but could destroy the whole world in the wrong hands. The familiar ‘the world is in danger and it must be saved by an American’ – story would not be interesting, if there was not a strong supplementary – and attributive – ideological plane added to the usual hero story. The main desire of Captain America is namely „to kill Nazis in the World War” (Captain America: The First Avenger). 1. American Stories The story of the movie is simple and basic: there is a good-hearted and determined – but physically handicapped – main character (Steve...
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...The Vimanika Shastra English translation by G.R. Josyer [1973] This is the English translation of the Vimanika Shastra, which purports to be an ancient Hindu manuscript on the construction and use of flying machines. Title Page Preface Plates First Ten Pages of Sanskrit Foreword Title Page (English Translation) Contents First Chapter Second Chapter Third Chapter Fourth Chapter Fifth Chapter Sixth Chapter VYMAANIKA-SHAASTRA AERONAUTICS by Maharshi Bharadwaaja Propounded by Venerable SUBBARAYA SHASTRY Translated into English and Edited, Printed and Published by G.R. JOSYER SCHOLAR, HISTORIAN, ESSAYIST, SANSKRITIST Printed at CORONATION PRESS, MYSORE-4, INDIA [1973] NOTICE OF ATTRIBUTION This text is NOT in the public domain in any country. This e-text has been posted for archival and research purposes only and must not be exploited commercially. Any other uses may be subject to International Copyright law. PREFACE by John Bruno Hare Have I lost my mind? This was the first reaction when I saw this listed for sale at the used book site, ABEBooks. I had heard rumors of this book for years, but for a long time I thought it was like the Necronomicon, a book which doesn't exist except as an urban myth. Yes, you can buy a Necronomicon at amazon.com, but let's get real. You will not be shredded by shambling extra-dimensional entities if you do . . . The Vymanika Shastra, however, is not a myth. In recent years, I had seen the English text...
Words: 48605 - Pages: 195
...NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chemistry A Practical Guide Support Materials [REVISED ADVANCED HIGHER] [pic] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Education Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or e-mail: psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at enquiries@educationscotland.gov.uk. This document is also available from our website at www.educationscotland.gov.uk. Contents Introduction 5 Chemical analysis 6 Qualitative and quantitative analysis 6 Volumetric analysis 6 Gravimetric analysis 14 Colorimetric analysis 17 Organic techniques 22 Introduction 22 Preparation 22 Isolation 24 Purification 29 Identification 33 Percentage yield 37 Errors 39 Accuracy and precision 39 Repeatability and reproducibility...
Words: 26805 - Pages: 108
...correction fluid. Answer three questions: one question from Section A, one question from Section B, and one question from Section C. At least one of these must be a passage-based question (marked *). At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. All questions in this paper carry equal marks. This document consists of 9 printed pages and 3 blank pages. SP (SM) T52720/4 © UCLES 2008 [Turn over 2 SECTION A: DRAMA ALAN AYCKBOURN: A Small Family Business Either *1 Re-read in Act 2 from ‘Samantha enters the bathroom and surveys the scene in amazement ’ (p. 274 Faber) to ‘Jack: Leave him just as he is, I’ll deal with that. Sammy, draw the curtains round him, there’s a girl.’ (p. 278) What makes the characters’ actions and attitudes here shocking and at the same time very funny? Support your ideas with details from the passage. Or 2 How do you feel Ayckbourn manages to make the marriage of Harriet and Desmond both very amusing and rather sad? Support your ideas with details from the writing. Or 3 You are Poppy. You have seen the contents of Anita’s wardrobe and bedroom and been offered some of her spare dresses. Now you are on your way home. Write your thoughts. LORRAINE HANSBERRY: A Raisin in the Sun...
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