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Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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Abigail Williams drives The Crucible. She is Reverend Parris’ niece who initiates witch trials by falsely accusing others of witchcraft. She acts as though she sees spirits along with instructing the other girls to act as well. Abigail at first wants to avoid punishment. When she sees how the adults react to others crying witch, she sees this as an opportunity. Once things get started, she sees an opportunity for self-interest (John Proctor). Abigail is the most responsible for the girls being in the woods. Once the girls were caught by Reverend Paris, Abigail tries to hide her behavior because it will expose her affair with John Proctor if she admits to casting a spell on Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail found herself attracted to Proctor while working in their …show more content…
Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” Proctor thought that signing his name will put a flaw on his name; consequently, his pride will be disordered. He picked to receive death rather than acquire a bad name. Similar to this, Reverend Paris, the town’s churchly figure, is highly motivated by his own reputation. Parris recognizes that some of the people are not guilty during the trials, yet if he were to defend them about their innocence, he would be going against the bible. Lastly, Judge Danforth will not surrender his good name since he is known for being right and just. If the citizens found out he was hanging innocent people, he would lose his job, he would never be able to gain his respect back, decisions would be questioned, and would ultimately destroy his good name. Without a good name, you would be rejected in this society. Possessing and sustaining a good name in the Crucible is a major

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