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The Revolution In Salem: John Proctor In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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The Revolution in Salem: John Proctor
The Crucible was a pay that was written by Arthur Miller in 1952 because he was accused of being a communist and he didn't agree with McCarthyism. During the Cold War many were accused of McCarthyism, which is making accusations without proper evidence, and Arthur Miller was a victim of this. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible as an allegory to McCarthyism. Arthur Miller wrote about people being accused of involvement with witchcraft. Throughout the play The Crucible many of the characters are changing because of what is happening around them, with everyone getting accused of witchcraft. One of the main dynamic characters, a character that has a significant change in attitude, personality, or behavior, in this play is John Proctor. John Proctor is a considered an honest man in Salem.
In the first two or three acts we see that John Proctor could be considered non-religious. John Proctor wasn’t very religious …show more content…
In act 2 when John and Elizabeth are sort of mad at each other because Elizabeth knows John Proctor committed adultery with Abigail, John Proctor tells Elizabeth “She told it to me in a room alone-I have no proof for it” (27). At this moment Elizabeth felt humiliated because John lied to Elizabeth about being alone in a room with Abigail. As the play goes forward John feels guilty and he then confesses and the court wanted Elizabeth to justify that he wants lying, but she ends up saying he did not commit adultery and shortly after he tells Elizabeth “I have confessed it!” (50). He spoke the truth to Elizabeth and from this point on he tries to stop telling lies to be an honest man. This change in John Proctor develops a theme of lies and deceit because John Proctor could have lied and said he didn't commit lechery to uphold his reputation but he did it because he wanted to be honest and he felt

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