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Penelope's Loss Of Innocence In The Odyssey

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Peter Richardson 11/28/2023 Block F Epithets Have Reason Behind Them Penelope’s faithfulness prevails during Odysseus’s absence. Penelope had no reason to cheat on Odysseus and did not have the morals to do so. One example of Penelope being faithful is displayed when in the Penelopiad. Penelope says, “The more outrageous versions have it that I slept with all of the Suitors, one after another.” (144). Penelope was very quick to shoot down the accusations against her and very swiftly said she did not want to address the rumors because the rumors were so blasphemous. Also, Penelope addressed that when women try to prove their innocence, this ordinarily makes them seen as guilty because why address a false rumor or accusation? Another example

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