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1691 Salem Witch Trials

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“The witch-hunt was a perverse manifestation of the panic which set in among all classes when the balance began to turn toward greater individual freedom” (Miller). In 1691, the town of Salem rose in distress. The word witchcraft going around made the citizens of Salem anxious with fear. Many studies have been done about the cause of the 1691 Salem Witch Trials; one theory discusses ergotism as the cause of the hysteria. Ergot is a psychosis fungus that is known to grow in Salem, Massachusetts. Ingesting contaminated rye grains is known to cause hallucinations and hysteria. The afflicted girls’ symptoms and location show evident signs of ergotism. During this time, rye was a common grain in Salem. Rye was shared throughout the village with bread and …show more content…
In December of 1691, eight girls in Salem village experienced strange behavior. In February, physicians connected this behavior to witchcraft. However, these symptoms match the effects of ergot poisoning. According to Caporeal, the girls had experienced symptoms such as violent fits and strange postures and gestures (Caporeal). These symptoms may be connected to hallucinations and convulsions from ergot. Another reason ergot was the reason for the hysteria is its growing conditions; in Salem the area is marshy giving a perfect condition for ergot. The Agriculture Knowledge Centre states: “The conditions required for the germination of ergot bodies are a cold stratification period [winter], followed by prolonged wet soils in the spring” (Agriculture Knowledge Centre). The girls started feeling symptoms in late December and then the witch trials began in February. This time it was near the end of winter and the beginning of spring, which provides the perfect time for ergots to grow. Furthermore, rye is commonly grown in the Salem area. Rye is an easy grain for ergot to grow on and is common with

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