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How Are Odysseus And Telemachus Alike

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Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus’s characteristics could be different or the same when it comes to the definition of a hero. Odysseus’s characteristics as a hero are not all perfect, along the lines of his journey he is brave, hopeless, discouraged, etc. but in the end he finds a way to do everything. Penelope’s characteristics are a hero, she is loyal and faithful. Telemachus’s characteristic as a hero is that he is young but has a lot of respect for his mother and cares about her. Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus’s characteristics are the same when it comes to the definition of a hero. Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus, have the same characteristics when it comes to the definition of a hero, they all have faith, respect, and bravery.

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