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Nurse Practitioner Research Paper

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A nurse practitioner is a primary care provider who is required to have a graduate level of education. They work with patients to provide preventive care, diagnose health conditions and manage treatment for people. A nurse practitioner is a solution to a shortage of doctors. In some states, nurse practitioners can work independently without having doctor supervision. This career can be used to go into many medical specialties. You can work with children, adults, the elderly, cancer patients, mental health patients, and babies. I want to go into this field to help people and make a good life for myself. Many places are short on nurses and due to the nurse practitioners being directly under a doctor and being cheaper, N.Ps are often sought after. …show more content…
However, you need experience in clinical training, not just having a degree. The clinical hours required are 600 for an N.P. which is significantly less than a PA. Some specialties require two years of experience as a Registered Nurse before completing your Masters program. Once you're finished with your MSN, you can get your RN license as an advanced nurse and you also have to pass a national certification program. To be a Nurse Practitioner you need to be able to conduct physical exams, work and understand lab results, diagnose, prescribe medication, and provide patient care. Other skills differ based on the specialty. It is suggested to take anatomy, chemistry, biology, and other general education classes. A Nurse Practitioner basic job description is to examine, diagnose and treat patients. Being an N.P. you can work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and medical offices. Working conditions can be described as very stressful due to the emergency situations that often occur. However, the job comes with a lot of flexibility and a high salary. The average salary for Nurse Practitioners in California is $149,910. On the high end, as a nurse practitioner I could make over

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