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7 Things to Consider Before Marketing Your Business to China - Part 1


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7 things to consider before marketing your business to China - part 1 | China Online Marketing

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7 things to consider before marketing your business to China – part 1
Posted by Steven Chow on April 26, 2010 · 2 Comments China’s economy is booming, we are now third largest economy in the world, and there is no argument that we will become the world’s largest economy in 10 to 20 years’ time. The 1.3 billion population, double-digit growth rate, 4 trillion economy stimulus plan…… We could feel the trend, as more and more overseas companies approach us to assist them enter the huge Chinese market. They are determined, well-equipped with excellent product or service, they are confident with their business goal in China. However, the lack in understanding of Chinese business culture and business practice could dramatically affect the ROI, the return of their investment. To put it simple, it is extremely important to figure out how the business operate in China before you start to sell in China, isn’t? No. 1 The payment issue In international trade, T/T and L/C payment terms are very common, we seldom use other payment methods like credit card, western union, cheque, or other third party payment platform like Paypal in large quantity international trade business. In ecommerce, third party payment platforms like Alipay, Tenpay, Chinapay, 99bill etc are very common, so if you accept payment

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